A Scourge Is Spreading. Meninists Cure? Princess, Open Your Legs!.

‘Woman Spreading’ on New York Subways Is a Target of New Meninist. Campaign.

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It is the bane of many male subway and bus riders.  It is a scourge that is tracked on blogs and on Twitter.

And it has a name almost as distasteful as the practice itself.

It is womanspreading, the lay-it-all-out sitting style that more than a few women see as their inalienable public transportation right.

Now passengers who consider such inelegant female posture as infringing on their sensibilities – not to mention their share of subway space – have a new ally.  The Metropolitan Authority.

Taking on womanspreading for the first time, the authority is set to unveil public service ads that encourage women to share a little less of themselves in the city’s ever crowded subways and buses.

Targets of the campaign, those women who cross their legs, blocking aisles, or access to other seats, or by spreading out their belongings on empty seats, and refusing to move the bags when asked so no one else can sit down. can sometimes occupy two even three or four seats are not hard to find.  Whether they will heed the new ads is another question.

Riding the F train from Brooklyn to Manhattan on a recent afternoon, Emma C. Fitzsimmons 20, was unapologetic about sitting with her purse on the seat beside her or having her legs crossed which creates a tripping hazard.

“I’m not going to sit like a gentlmen does,”she said. “I’m going to sit how I want to sit.”

“And what if Mrs. Fitzsimmons, a writer from New York saw posters on the train asking her to place her bags on her lap? “I’d just laugh at the ad and hope that someone graffitis over it,” she said.

For Davidl Radcliffeson, an actor who confronts woman spreaders and tweets photos of them, his solitary shaming campaign now has the high powered help of the transportation authority, whose ads will be plastered inside subway cars.

“It drives me crazy, ” he said of women who cross their legs. “I find myself glaring at them because it just seems so inconsiderate in this really crowded city.”

When Mr. Radcliffeson, who lives in Brooklyn and is in his 30s, asks women to move, he siad, they rarely seem chastened: “I usually get grumbling or a complete refusal.”


The new ads – aimed at curbing rude behavior like womanspreading and carrying multiple bags on crowded trains – are set to go up in the subways next month.  They will carry the slogan, “Courtesy Counts: Manners Make a Better Ride.”
One of the posters is likely to be especially welcome to men – as well as the women who frown on womanspreading:”Princess…Stop The Spread, Please.” reads the caption next an image of riders forced to stand as a woman nearby sits so that her bags take up two seats.

The campaign is the latest in a long line of courtesy-themed crusades by the authority going back to at least the 1940s. One such ad urged men to “Hit, Her Again Dude, We don’t like Door-Blockers Either.”

The new ads come as more riders are crowding onto the subways than at any time in recent history. In 2014, the system logged as many as 6.1 million riders on a single day, up from under 5.1 million riders on the busiest day a decade ago.  The city’s population, meanwhile has swelled to more than 8.4 million people, pushing everyone closer and closer.

With crime no longer rampant on the subway, the campaign is the latest sign that other unwelcome behavior is getting attention.

bus-2  PRINCESS…STOP THE SPREAD, PLEASE (It’s a space issue)

Several blogs regularly highlight instances of womanspreading where bags are several feet apart.  On some sites, images of large objects like the Death Star from “Star Wars” have been added with photoshop into the space between the woman and her bags.  While there are men who take up more than their fair share of space, the offenders are usually women.

One admitted womanspreader, Emma Watson, sat with her legs crossed on an F train as it traveled through Manhattan recently.

“It’s more comfortable,” she said with a shrug and a hair flip.

Mrs. Watson, 21, Feminism advocate, who lives in New Jersey, said she might uncross her legs, but not just for anyone.  For an older person or a woman she would, and for an attractive man, she said, she definitely would. She said with a wink and a giggle.

Justienne Blubber shook his head when he saw two women sitting with their bags spread, taking up at least three seats between them.  Mrs. Blubber, 58, a clinical social worker, said he thought the women should move their bags, but she was not about to confront them.


“I’m not going to say, “Hey princess, there is a gentleman standing up right there.  Uncross your legs, princess.'” he said.

Men have theories about why some women sit this way.  Some believe it is just a matter of comfort and may not even be intentional.  Others consider it an assertion of power, or worse.

Brian Ellsworth, a 28 year old music teacher, views womanspreading as sexual harassment because some women engage in it near him even when the subway car is not packed.

“They could move over and cross their legs all they want,” he said, “but they’re squeezing next to me and doing it.”
For woman who think that sitting with their legs crossed is socially acceptable, manners experts say it is not.  Pam Poster, the author of the book “Essential Manners for Women” and great granddaughter of the etiquette guru Emilio Poster, said the proper way to women to sit is with the legs parallel and their bags on their laps or between their legs in a V shape.

“I’m baffled by people who do that kind of thing, who take other people’s space,” she said.

Olga Hansson, a director of the Manhattan’s Ladies Spa Janice Allen’s, put it more succinctly.” A true lady, doesn’t sit on the subway, she stands.

As for women who may worry that uncrossing their legs could hurt their femininity, doctors say that there is nothing to fear.  A half-hour train ride with legs uncrossed might raise ovarian temperatures, but not long enough to do any harm, said Dr. Maria Goldstein, director of the center for female reproductive medicine and microsurgery at New York-Presbyterian Hospital Weill Cornell Medical Center.

Philadelphia has a new etiquette campaign, too, with posters that say, “Bitch, it’s Rude.. Two Seats – Really?”

But Chris Geiger, a spokesman for the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority, said the campaign in the City of Womanly Love is aimed at passengers with bags on seats, not people crossing their legs to tightly.  Womanspreading, he said, may not be a “localized” problem in New York. “I know of many complaints that have come through customer service about womanspreading,” he said.  Transit officials in Chicago and Washington said the phenomenon is a major concern for riders in those cities as well.

In New York, the transportation authority went back and forth about what tone to take when tackling the topic, said Pauline Flower, the authority’s senior director for corporate and internal communications.  Officials knew it could be ripe for parody on late night television and blogs, and did not want their approach to be too snarky, but Mrs. Flower said she knew that the ads had to speak directly to the spreaders.

“I had them add the Princess part,” she said, “because I think, Bitch please.  Really?”

(Please note this article is a parody of the NYTimes article written on manspreading, which appeared on their website on December 20, 2014.   Original link here:  http://www.nytimes.com/2014/12/21/nyregion/MTA-targets-manspreading-on-new-york-city-subways.html?_r=0 ) 

Feel free to share the message of the SCOURGE of WomanSpreading!

Reply to a 2014 article titled ” 8 reasons why Feminism isn’t Anti-Male”.


(Original article here:  http://www.thefrisky.com/2014-09-26/8-reasons-why-feminism-isnt-anti-male/ )

I ran across this article this morning and laughed at the total illogical and lies the article spewed forth in it’s listing of the reasons why feminists are not anti-feminist.

So here is my response to this idiot author named Tiffanie Drayton .   The author tries to reference Emma Watson’s idiotic speech to the UN council and mentions Patriarchy affecting men and women negatively (that’s a new one).   But I’ll skip over her opener because that isn’t the list she talks about.

  1. It is in no way hateful to strive to help someone carry the financial and economic burdens of a family. Patriarchal society has long made money-making the “job” of the man, even to the detriment of his own mental and physical health. For many of us, our financial predicament depends not only on how hard we work, but also upon numerous other factors like the global and even national economic climate. It is extremely burdensome to put all financial responsibilities of a household upon the shoulders of a single person — nearly impossible, even — especially during harsh economic downturns like the Great Depression and the 2008 crisis. Men are always more likely to commit suicide than women, but during the worst economic times, that gap widens with men committing suicide at 2-4 times the rate of their female counterparts. A 2014 study published in the British Journal of Psychiatry, “Economic Suicides in the Great Recession in Europe and North America,” noted that suicide rates increased for people who experienced foreclosure, unemployment or were in debt. Financial and economic burdens are onerous and even dangerous — feminists know even men need help carrying the load.

Actually historically speaking, both men and women worked to make money for the household income.   Only the higher classes like middle and wealthy could afford to have the woman of the house not work outside the home.    And in the home the woman made all decisions and ran the household.  Down to the hiring, firing and managing the servants.   In poor households, both men and women split the work equal, doing jobs that each were suited to do.   Nothing has changed within that regard to today.   If anything even men who are the main breadwinners of a household will actually contribute to the house work and work outside the home to help alleviate the burden on his wife or loved one, which increases the direct burden on him after working 44 plus hours in a week.

And yes I agree with the sentiment that money is a huge factor is suicides.  It is also a big factor on divorce.

However the last sentence shows me that she doesn’t understand feminism.   Feminists don’t want the responsibility of helping the male.  Many keep their finances separate from the household income to ensure they have a nest egg for themselves.   Finances in a house is a complex issue and to be honest most of what she says in this statement is essentially correct, with only a few minor things wrong.     So I will move on to the next one.

2. Less gender binaries means more fun for everyone! In a culture riddled with extreme gender binaries, women can’t play sports or even laugh too loud and men can’t cuddle babies or cute, tiny animals. That is one heck of a boring existence. As society widens the definition of “manhood” and “womanhood,” more individuals are free to participate in activities that are typically gendered and restricted to only one group or the other. That means a man can feel equally comfortable baking a cake (a traditionally “feminine” role) as he would playing football and a woman can change a flat tire while wearing high heels. The dedication of past feminists has already helped shape our current society, where “Cake Boss,” a man who loves to bake cakes, is a celebrity and Danica Patrick, the first woman to win the NASCAR Sprint Cup, participates in a long-time male-dominated sport.

Okay women have always been able to play sports.  The idea that they couldn’t is moronic.  However, she is confusing (like most feminists),  the idea of not being allowed to play sports with compete with men in sports.      The reason we have men’s leagues and women’s leagues in sports is due to fact women cannot compete with men in physical sports like football, basketball, hockey, baseball, boxing, etc.    All these sports require a level of fitness that if they compete with men, they will lose.  Every single time.   Women are just built differently than men and they need to accept that.

The next part of the statement that “men should feel comfortable baking a cake” –  Men in general throughout history have been the cooks, chefs and bakers.    Traditionally they have even taken turns cooking in the home as well.    As for the flat tire comment, most women are not interested in car maintenance and would rather pay someone else to change their tire or oil.   All you have to do is look at shop classes in high schools and count the girls in the classes.   Generally men are more interested in the dirty work than women are.

Cake Boss was not created by feminists.   That sentence is laughable on it’s face.   The guy became what he is today from  hard work, and learning from his FATHER how to bake cakes and run a business, and if you watch the show his sisters can’t decorate or bake worth a damn and that’s why they handle the customers.  That isn’t feminism, that is a family run business, and the jobs are dictated by skill not gender.

. Feminism gives little boys the chance to be children first, and boys second. Feminists know and understand that both boys and girls have every right to be angry, frustrated, happy and even sad or empathetic: In other words, human. However, emotions that are typically classified as “feminine,” like nurturing, caring, sympathetic or sadness, are usually disallowed from boyhood expression. Statements like “boys don’t cry” and “be a man” further reinforce the idea that men and boys cannot and should not exhibit basic emotions — a very debilitating and even immature concept. Boys and men are human, not robotic, emotionless androids. Feminism seeks to help society get over that fact.

Now here again is something that a feminist is taking credit for, when in reality, little boys have always been allowed to cry or be kids. And in fact when you look at who is the primary caregivers in any given household you will find it is the woman, and if she works, the daycare worker who is most likely going to be a woman.  And a study was done a few years back that found that a child will be hit by the female caregiver 900 times in a year.   Since we know that women have primary care on the first 4 years of that child, that means they are beating on average 3600 times the child.   And this happens when the child cries or gets angry or shows emotion.

“Boys don’t cry” is saying from slavery.   When male slaves were referred to as Boy and got a worst punishment if they cried.   Has nothing to do with gender.

“Be a man”  is a saying that means “Be responsible”   It comes from the time, when men were 100% responsible financially responsible for their family.   So if their child broke a window playing ball, the father had to be a man and pay for that window.

The first term was from racism, and the second wasn’t derogatory.   While the first one did indeed restrict public emotions, the second doesn’t.  Society doesn’t need feminism to get over showing emotions.  In fact I know many men who do and feminists laugh and berate them and even hit them when they do.   See next image for example of a feminist who likes men showing emotion:


4. Feminism has given men the freedom to be fathers. In the past, many children longed for a male figure in the house, but men were frequently absent because of their role as the breadwinner. With women confined to the domestic space — along with the children — and men locked outside in the working world, it was very difficult for strong bonds to be built between child and father.

Now, many working women are capable of supporting a household or are at least able to contribute financially, allowing men to spend more time with their children and less time working. Crucial bonds that have long been absent from Western culture are being forged between father and child in a modern, post-feminist society.

This statement is an outright lie and I call Bullshit on this.   Men have always been fathers to their children and feminism never gave men this.   In fact in poor households, with the men working as well as the women the kids had equal time with both parents.  As a family.

In today’s society, with the high divorce rates, women are being awarded custody of the children in the majority of divorces.  Many of those men only get to see their children one weekend a month (if they are lucky) and rotating holidays.    And that is with joint custody.  That doesn’t allow much time for fathers to be with their children, or be fathers.    Feminism did this.  Not only that but the women demand support payments and alimony from the ex husband and the home and the car and usually gets those as well in most divorces.  This forces the man to pay for the wife, children and to pay HER Bills while allowing her to keep her money and spend it as she wishes without the responsibility of spending that on her children.

This is one of the main causes why men end up in jail, because in a marriage if a person’s financial situation changes the house finances are adjusted to suit that change.  After a divorce settlement, if a man loses his job he is still expected to pay these costs or end up in jail.   This is another reason why we are seeing more men homeless and broke.  And as well others fleeing the country to avoid the prohibitive costs set by the courts, on behest of the woman.

In the rare cases where the father gets custody, the women at most is expected to pay a small amount in support and very rarely alimony to support the husband, simply because men are usually the bigger bread winners and it’s rare to find a woman who makes more money in her chosen field.

And not only that but women will get paid by the state, if she is a single mother and no father listed on the birth certificate.  In other words the mother has no idea who the father is so the state becomes the father.   As long as she has that kid, then the government will pay her for it.   Now granted a man will get that same treatment if they have custody and the mother isn’t in the picture but that is extremely rare.

5. Feminism helps to make straight sex better and healthier. The impact of societal policing of female sexuality affects everyone, including the men who women are sleeping with. Many women must deal with debilitating feelings of guilt, shame and anxiety induced by patriarchy’s constant need to dominate and diminish female minds and bodies, which ultimately has negative effects on their sexual self-esteem. Feminism has fought to create safe spaces where women can engage in discourse about sex and their personal experiences. This not only helps women to better understand their minds and bodies, but it also enables the exploration of sexual desire and gives them the confidence to speak openly to their partners. Better communication and understanding is helpful in all relationships, especially sexual ones.

This is rich.  We are a dimorphic species.   That means there are inherent, instinctual things that males and females do differently.  This has to do with our evolution of our genders.    In order to ensure men’s genetics were passed on, the males would attempt to impregnate as many females as possible.   The more females, the more virile the man appears and the more attractive the male was to females.   Women however, evolved slightly different.   Due to the chance of death in childbirth and complications during pregnancy, women had to be more careful on choosing a mate.

This is why men to this day seem to be more like sexual beings who are out to sleep with as many women as possible, while women feel guilt over sleeping with many men.    This is a type of built in evolutionary trait that is built within each gender.

As for the safe spaces comment .. I say FUCK YOU FEMINISM.   Men are not allowed to have men only safe spaces.   You protest and screech at the mention of men only places.    So BULLSHIT on that statement.   As for confidence in speaking to their spouses.  If you lack the confidence, then maybe you need  get some mental health professional to help you with that.  Confidence comes from within and is not a gender trait in any way shape or form.   That is a trait that is learned.  If all your hearing is men are rapists, men are violent and men are evil, then yes, women will have confidence issues when speaking with men, including any boyfriends or husbands.  That is the fault of FEMINISM, not men.

7. Feminism helps society care about things that affect the women men care about. Birth control, women’s reproductive health, the right to vote, access to education and employment are just some of the issues feminism has tackled. Feminists have also worked to protect women and girls from domestic violence, sexual harassment and sexual assault. Without the movement, the women who men love — daughters, mothers, sisters, friends, girlfriends, wives — would be voiceless and without legal or social protection.

No one has ever said men didn’t care about women or women’s issues.   Which is why your movement had garnered such huge support.   However, I notice you don’t include abuse shelters for abused men, or right to fatherhood for men, or sexual harassment against men, or sexual assault against men in your statement.   You know, the problems that have gotten progressively worse since feminists have gotten their way?   And women, have never been voiceless.  They have ALWAYS had support in law against the crimes you list.   Women however, get away with these crimes more than men and men suffer as a result, which helps contribute to the suicide rates and homelessness of men.

8. Improvement for women and girls equals improvement for everyone. Multiple studies on the socioeconomic impact of education on society have found that increases in female education attainment leads to higher levels of both economic and social development. Countries that focus on educating women and girls tend experience decreased infertility and infant mortality rates and increased GDPs. As best said by the World Bank’s lead education economist, Harry Patrinos, “the profitability of education, according to estimates of private rate of return, is indisputable, universal and global.” A study done by Cynthia Lloyd and Margaret Greene, (Girls Count: A Global Investment and Action Agenda) with just one extra year of education to women and girls, their wages increased from 10-20 percent. These improvements benefit not only females, but also their families and society as a whole since money is typically reinvested (in the form of purchases) into the community.

Citation needed.     No actually statistics show that women are becoming more violent and men are opting out of marriage more.  Education is geared to get women into university into stem fields but women are not CHOOSING those fields.  Instead they choose courses that are easier and help them get careers in jobs that allow them the flexibility of scheduling and safety, over those that men get into which take them away from family more and are more dangerous to make more money.

In fact, less men are able to attend university due the fact they get no financial incentives or free rides.  Women get grants, loans and many other incentives to get into college and university.   That isn’t improvement.  It is oppression.

In closing I’m going to say this. Feminists are fucking idiots, with no concept that they are harming men, and women with their viewpoints and beliefs.   In no way shape or form is the oppression of men’s rights equality.  

Why Men cannot be a Feminist

man crying Funny-memes-male-tears-mug

The feminist movement is not for men.   It has been, and always be a platform for women to elevate themselves higher than men.    The fact that these women who claim to be feminists cannot see this, could be considered a psychological blind spot.    Men who support them blindly usually label themselves as feminists as well.    I’ve seen many articles by feminists who laugh or agree that men cannot be feminists.    Many think it’s great they have support from many of the male gender but don’t see them as feminists.

They just can’t be.   Feminism is for equal rights for women.  Always has been.  Modern day feminism has twisted the deifnition to make it sound like it is for equality for all.   This is a lie.   You cannot have equality for all when you elevate a group above another group.   This is also called gender bias or discrimination based on gender.

A person who truly wants equality for all is called an Egalitarian.  Not a feminist.    And a true feminist will tell you that feminism is about women have full rights and accepting responsibility for their actions that come along with it.    Even modern day feminists will parrot that line, but many don’t recognize when they are not taking responsibility.

Some cases where women don’t take responsibility.

1.   Rape.    They do not, and will not accept that there is any responsibility on the part of the woman who is a victim of rape.  We hear constantly and consistently that it shouldn’t matter what she is wearing when she is raped or how much she had to drink, or if she went with the guy willingly.    All the questions that are associated with a police investigation are seen as attacks on a victim by the police.   They expect people, and the law to blindly take their word for it.    Then we have to look at what they consider rape.   In their eyes, if a male and a female are both drunk and has sex, then the woman has been raped because she was drunk and is not capable of consent.  Yet the man, who is drunk as well is responsible regardless of the fact he was drunk as well.

This kind of idiocy, brings to the forefront of women not wanting to take responsibility for their own actions.   These feminists actually think this is logical.    Rape is not all that common as they would have you believe.  Many men are currently in jail for false accusations made and the misconceptions that the law assumes as rape.

Rape of Men by women.    Feminists will ignore this, laugh that this exists or sympathize but say it is a male problem.    This is a real thing and has a name.  Sperm Jacking.    Extreme cases of this, happen when a woman drugs a man comatose and then performs oral sex, masturbates or has vaginal intercourse with the man while unconscious to get his sperm so she can get pregnant.

This is not considered rape under the law.   Even when the guy wakes and says “No, get off me”.   There is no consent and women get away with this.    And, not only that, but they then go after the man for support for any children they conceive.   The government will also pay them.

So not only is the legalized rape of men, but it is sanctioned by the government via cash incentives and ignored by law.

2.  Genital Mutilation.   It is illegal for women to be circumcised without  their consent and has been for decades.   However, it is perfectly legal for the practice to happen on newborn baby boys.  Without any anesthesia or only a local, on the pretext of possible medical conditions that may or may not happen after the child becomes sexually active.   And in many cases, for aesthetic reasons.   Many feminists see nothing wrong with the practice and the ones who marry men, have said in studies they prefer a cut penis vs an uncut one.    For this reason alone, many feminist mothers look at this as something good.

3.  Male support groups.   If the feminists out there are really for equality, they wouldn’t fight so hard against male groups that form to discuss male issues.   Instead they gather to protest and even go as far as to call them hate groups against women, when in fact they are not.   They simply feel threatened because these groups, (much like myself), ask questions of the feminist movement and analyze their stats and studies that make their outrageous claims and question the ideals.    Any democratic, civilized society allows this, and welcomes it.   Ideas should be questioned and tested.   If an idea is sound or a theory has any basis in fact, then it should hold up to scrutiny.   Feminists ideas don’t do that.   So far none of them have.

4. CIS Gender Myth-   Many males are identifying themselves as CIS gender.    Yet, I have yet to hear or see any feminist say they are CIS.   They won’t because they consider themselves women.   Not gender assigned at birth.   The whole concept goes against our entire evolution, science, biology and the differences in chemicals within each genders bodies.      They now have men prattling on how they are CIS gender.   Instead of saying I’m a man.  They will want you to say “I’m a CIS”.   This is an attempt to remove your masculine identity, and to make you more pliable to their demands.   Just don’t question them on it.

These are just four simple reasons why you can’t be a feminist if your male.   They don’t want you to be, they see you as less than them.   They don’t care for your rights, only their own, but they want you to pay for their mistakes.

That isn’t equal rights or fair treatment by any standard.   That is male bashing at it’s finest.   So to all the self proclaimed male feminists, remember it’s okay to cry, because they all like to drink male tears.

Step by step commentary on the Washington Post article – What “Leading” feminists want to accomplish this year. (2014)


So I’m going to yet another list commenting on a Washington post article about what the feminists hope to accomplish in 2014 for “equality” for all.

1.  My hope is that feminist, racial justice, reproductive rights and LGBT movements build a coalition that centers on the lives of women who lead inter-sectional lives and too often fall in between the cracks of these narrow mission statements.

So this one seems like equality but on the whole it is just plain stupid when you analyze the whole thing.   She wants that feminists, (okay), racial justice (that isn’t a group but an ideal), reproductive rights (again, that isn’t a group of people but a law term), and LGBT movements (That is another group of people), build (that is the act of making a structure), a coalition (How do you make an an coalition with an ideal or a law term?) That centers on the lives of women (AH Yes, what about men CIS, Transexuals and gay and bisexual men?)

In other words you only want equality for yourself and not for anyone else including those in that coaltition.  NEXT!

2. I’d love to see publications make a greater effort to include the voices of women, gender non-conforming people, and people of color – and put programs and policies in place that will help to level the playing field

How much more effort do you want in publications.  The majority of the publications if not all, have women’s voices being heard, and since you can’t really define “non-conforming genders” because GASP!  They don’t identify as man or woman, the ONLY two genders on the planet.   Then they can’t exists and don’t really have any need for any voice but to see a shrink.    People of color?  Are you saying you don’t have any outlets for your voice if your of any color?  Could you ask the BET channel people or the Latino Channels or the Asian channels or the aboriginal channels?  Or the magazines like Belle, FEMME, and the thousands of other magazines that are solely for these groups?  Or the multitudes of sites that are dedicated to allowing everyone equally to blog about their thoughts and feelings, like the one I’m currently writing in?  Fucking dumb people.  *facepalm*

3. I would like to see less digital dualism, which perpetuates the fallacy that online harassment isn’t “real” harassment when in fact so many women writers face threats just for doing their job -writing- on the Internet.

No one believes harassment online isn’t a real thing, the reason why you don’t and I don’t agree on this one is most feminists believe anyone who questions their myths with actual real life data and facts are considered by you feminists to be harassing you.   Criticism is not harassment you stupid fucking idiot.

4.  I would like to see the creation of 2 million new, living wage ($15 or more) care giving jobs, and more affordable options for quality care for working families, particularly in light of the numbers of women in the workforce and the rapidly growing older population in America.

So you want a woman dominated field to force employers to pay their staff $15.00 an hour, which of course would force the daycare centers to charge the parents more money so they can pay the staff. which would mean that less parents could afford the daycare that they can barely afford now, and so because less parents would bring their children to daycare and find alternate places to bring their children, or quit their jobs to take care of their children, then those daycare centers will shut down and you women will be out of jobs and screaming for more daycare.     Did I explain efficiently how stupid your “want” is?  And you go on to want MORE affordable options for quality care for working families, particularly women (sigh, what about men, or gay men who need safe places to retire),   and the rapidly growing older population in america.   So that last “want” shows me you don’t want to again take responsibility but instead want to shove your parents who are getting older into a home, and want the public to pay for this so you don’t have to be responsible by providing care to your parents who had raised you and took care you and gave you, your fucking privilege.  YOU UNGRATEFUL BITCH!

5. We have an amazing opportunity with @heforshe for one half of humanity (men) to join in solidarity with the other half of humanity (women) in creating a shared vision of gender equality that benefits all of humanity.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!   That is fucking hilarious.  You want men to join you in a campaign solely designed to benefit women and call it “gender equality” and have the audacity to say it would benefit all of humanity when the name of it actually says IT IS FOR THE BENEFIT OF WOMEN……. HE (MEN WORKING FOR ) 4SHE (BENEFITING)….   YOU FUCKING STUPID TWAT!  How stupid do you think men are?

6. I hope that 2015 brings a focus on turning the anger and frustration around the issues of police brutality and violence against black people in this country into concrete policy changes being led by the diversity of leaders I’ve seen and continue to see in the 2014 actions. We want to convene the table of change, not have a seat at it.

2015 is here.  Half way through the year.   The police have become more brutal.  Why aren’t the feminists outraged that men are dying and condemning the police for it and rioting in the streets along side them?  OH WAIT! They are praising the mom who pulled her son off the street for fighting and rioting against that very issue you are against.   And not only that you want to convene the table of change.  Not have  seat at it.  This sounds like you want to dictate change and not be part of a discussion.    (You almost had me there but I caught the bullshit!) *wags finger at you*

7. I hope to see a continued resurgence of young Black people owning their power to end police and domestic violence. 2015 will be a year of fresh ideas mixing with tried and true organizing tactics in the tradition of leaders like Ella Baker.

I’m for this one but again, it focus’s on one group and not really equal.  How about ending domestic abuse and police abuse for all.   Since you know, feminism is about equality and not about any one fucking group.   I do get the focus with the crap that happens to the black community so I’ll give them a pass on this one since it is a big issue.

8. I want to see Twitter, Facebook and YouTube set up coherent standards and effective block/report tools to protect users from abuse, and hate speech–particularly rape victims being harassed and doxxed for speaking out

YOU DUMB TWAT.  THEY ALREADY EXIST.   IN FACT WITH A CLICK OF A FUCKING BUTTON YOU CAN EFFECTIVELY HAVE PEOPLE BANNED.     And what the fuck…   You want to “doxxed” people for “speaking out”?  So you are openly and are against FREEDOM OF SPEECH if it goes against what you think is okay.   Is that it?  You fucking feminists are so quick to smear a man’s name if he is perceived as doing something wrong without any evidence, proof or even any arrest.  Just on a woman’s claim, protesting, sending him death threats and attacking him.   And yet you want to see tighter controls to censor free speech on people (men) like me, speaking out against your nonsense bullshit crap, because, we demand equality.   YOU FUCKING TWAT!

9.  I want to see a mass realization that police brutality is a feminist issue and for mainstream feminist organizations to help change those policies.


10. In 2015, I’d love to see more representation of women of color in sociopolitical actions, and I’m doing my part by organizing a Women’s Freedom March centering on women of color and our stories.

Again, what about the men.   Women are represented in every single group out there.   What the fuck!   And why aren’t you calling on your feminists for this since, they allegedly are for equality. OH WAIT!  ONLY THE BLACK WOMEN COUNT FOR YOU!  YOU FUCKING HYPOCRITE, YOUR THROWING YOUR OTHER SISTER FEMINISTS UNDER THE BUS!

11. I want to see queer and trans people of color with radical social and political analyses dominate independent media by creating and growing our own platforms, so we can centralize and control our own narratives.

This one is funny since black people are the most widely known to be homophobic, queer bashing people out there when it comes to their own people.   They are degraded and beaten and killed, even by their own family members for being unmanly by liking the members of the same gender.   The whole black male culture is centered on fucking women to prove manliness.   Anything outside this and most fear for their lives.   And you want more black queer and trans people to openly come forward in that toxic hate filled atmosphere to “dominate” independent media?

Why I kind of applaud the idea, you need to work on acceptance of queer and trans people in your own community more before gay people trust the black community to be open.  And I do give you credit Madam, that you didn’t make this about Women only!  BRAVO!  (Unless by Queer you mean lesbians because I have a hunch that is what you mean by Queer since typically that is a lesbian term)

12.  I hope we can channel the energy around campus gender-based violence toward creating more options outside the criminal justice system for all survivors, not only students.

What the fuck?    Feminists have spent decades instilling into women that they are the victims of violence in a male dominated society.  You even have a gender studies course that teaches you this.   However, this does sound for equality except, your to stupid to realize a campus’s are required to by law to make sure you and everyone are safe and do everything in their power outside of law within their own policies (that feminists dictated), to ensure the safety of “all” (meaning women), students.   WHO THE FUCK ELSE ARE VICTIMS ON A CAMPUS SETTING?   THE BIRDS IN THE TREES?   YOU FUCKING STUPID WOMAN!  *FACEPALM*

13. In 2015 I hope for a movement that is fighting for ALL black lives, and that allows for the stories of ALL black women to be in the forefront of our fight.

Well shit, a feminist for all black lives.  That’s sounds more like equality.  Wait, okay I see the bullshit.   You want ALL BLACK WOMEN ahead of men of your fight.    Not men side by side.   Damn you almost had me there.  Really I applaud you for your sneaky diatribe of hate against men disguised as black united power.   It’s only okay for the black community to come together if women are in  charge is what you just said.  FUCK ME.

14. My 2015 resolution is to make sure that black women, especially black queer and trans women, are playing a strong leadership role in the growing movement for black lives and black liberation–because black women are the portals to the future, we can do a lot to shape a new economy and a new democracy for all of us.

Yes and while black communities are rioting  and burning all over the country, you are worried about black women, lesbians (because I know you don’t like men to have authority) and trans women to be in leadership roles for “all black lives” without actually having men represented here and black women are the portals to the future.   (well yes, because babies come out of you so you are the portal for the future generations).   And yes women can do a lot to shape the economy because it’s geared for them by women.  OH AND DON”T FUCKING BE AN ADVOCATE FOR DEMOCRACY WHEN YOU JUST SAID YOU WANTED EVERYONE BUT MEN IN LEADERSHIP ROLES!  YOU FUCKING STUPID FUCKING MAN HATING WOMAN!

15.  In 2015 I want to see our communities continue to rise up to challenge the criminalization of our people. At the national and local level my organization BAJI and the national network we coordinate, the Black Immigration Network, will be campaigning to end mass incarceration, detention and deportation.

I see no issue with this since you are actually including everyone.   BRAVO MA’AM!  You are the first feminist since I started reading feminist literature, that included men by default.  BRAVO!  *CLAP CLAP CLAP*  I could get behind that idea.  OH WAIT!  The majority of men in prison are because of false rape accusations and as well because they can’t pay female support because the courts favor women over men.  *BUZZER SOUNDS*  Sorry.. can’t get behind this, because the underlying problem still exists from why those men are there.

16. In 2015, I want fewer speeches about supporting women in games and more concrete action – it’s time to open up gamedev to the rest of us.


Okay folks, *sips cold drink*,  this was a horrible article,  (http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/she-the-people/wp/2015/01/02/what-leading-feminists-want-to-accomplish-this-year/)   I used to have some respect for the Washington post for some journalist (not much) ethics    The article, to give the post credit is a blog by an self described “writer”.  Since anyone can label themselves a writer now for writing a blog, or anything I guess that makes me one as well.    The only difference between myself and this writer, Ruth Tam is that I believe in equality, and truth for men and women, and don’t try to put my gender above women’s under the guise of “equality”.


White Rage, the Hunger Games, and the Lack of Justice

Love this blog. It points out the truths very well. If we burn, you burn!

Olivia A. Cole

eric garner

Today, like too many days, I am angry. Today a grand jury voted not to bring criminal charges against the white officer who killed Eric Garner, father of six, with a chokehold. The killing is on video, which many people hoped would mean an indictment and, eventually, a conviction. Not so. Today, America tells us once again that the value it places in black life is nil, insubstantial, nonexistent.

The protests have already begun in New York, and I’m thinking about anger, rage. I’m thinking about things that burn. When the grand jury in St. Louis County announced that it would not be indicting Darren Wilson in the killing of unarmed teenager Michael Brown, Ferguson burned. Over the weekend, I saw the latest Hunger Games film—Mockingjay—and in it, the Capitol executes unarmed civilians, their deaths broadcasted for millions of eyes. I couldn’t stop thinking about Eric…

View original post 1,408 more words

Why the feminists can’t work with Men’s Rights Groups…. The real reasons….

(The above image is courtesy of tumbler)  This representation of what feminists want is actually correct if you take into account that they want to kill any man who doesn’t identify themselves as feminists.   So after killing any man who doesn’t agree with feminism (including myself), that would be accurate because the only people left would be feminists and their male breeding stock.

There are many pro feminist articles out there bashing men’s rights advocacy groups like AVOICEFORMEN or Cafe,   They prattle their man hating heads about how “misogynistic” the men’s groups are, how they are hate groups but use quotes from satire, or snippets of  comments out of context as our dogma, and then they take the angry words of the men and use that as fuel to play the name game and blame men again *rolls eyes* for all their problems.

Yes that is right, the men who are standing up and calling feminist movement for what it is, *cough* bullshit *cough* are misogynistic bastards, who are all out to get women with our privilege in a patriarchal society of oppressed women being at the top of the oppression list.  *smacks forehead*

So without further adieu to why feminists or men’s rights advocates get along to find equality here is the list:

1.  Men’s rights advocates are trying to bring the issues facing men to the forefront to the public to garner support and draw attention to the issues including feeling oppressed.

Feminists want the men’s issues to be addressed under the banner of feminism but refuse to recognize they are the cause of the majority of the issues facing men and will try to shut down any men’s rights group who try to point this out.

2.  Men’s rights group are trying to correct misinformation by using facts about homelessness and demand more shelters and safe spaces for homeless men.

Feminists –  *cricket sounds*

3.  Men’s rights groups are trying to correct misinformation by using real statistical data instead of using misleading or made up data about domestic violence.  That of course being Men are victims of domestic violence just as much as women are.   The difference is men don’t have safe places to protect them from their violent wives/girlfriends.    Hence why there are more homeless men.   And, men are more likely to be ASSUMED they deserve that violence and therefor goes to jail on the word of the woman, even though she was the violent offender.

Feminists –  *crickets*

4.  Men’s groups are trying to address the rape culture myth with facts and real statistics.  Like the 1 in 4 myth on college campus and universities.   The statistics show the real number being 1 in 1300 which is a rare rape and that number is getting lower.

Feminists –  “No that is not true, women are raped more now than they were 50 years ago you misogynistic. patriarchal bastard man.   Stop being a rape apologist!”

5.  Men’s groups are trying to address the issue of rape happening by both sexes on both sides, that women are  not the only victims.   Men are vaginally raped by women or orally raped by women all the time.  Many will do it to acquire sperm to get pregnant so they can sue for child support and go on welfare who will pay them to sit at home and take care of the baby that they conceive from raping the man to steal his sperm, even after he has removed consent. (Yes this happens folks)

Feminists:  This doesn’t happen.    (or)  Rape is wrong. (Yet they do nothing when it happens and praise the woman if the men try to press charges).

6.  Men groups are trying to bring to light that women are more favored in the courts and because of the laws and as well the social perceptions, they get a free pass to many crimes, like rape, beating their husband, stabbing their spouse, or even outright murder of men or their children.    The law system learned a very long time ago that it is harder to gain a conviction on a women than it is a man so many crimes don’t even make it to a jury trial.  And those that do, the women who did the crime will get no sentence, or a lighter sentence than a man would.    All you have to do is look at how many prisons that hold men are and compare with the ones for women. Or speak to a judge or a prosecution lawyer.

7.  Men’s groups advocate and trying to bring to the light (it is starting) that genital mutilation of any kind is wrong.  Many don’t see the chopping of a baby boy’s penis is wrong.    Many are mutilated each day for the sole reason of the perceived image of cleanliness or religion, but is banned for women for decades now.  Many men carry the regret and depression for decades and all their lives for this mutilation.

Feminists –  To give them credit, they are starting to speak out against this practice.  Sort of.   They are posting memes online on social media accounts.    So I guess that is a good sign.  I still don’t see any protests or any vehement outrage about it though and many of the man loving femists will prefer a mutilated penis vs an intact one because they think the penis is dirty with the foreskin than without.

8.  Men’s rights groups are trying to create safe women free areas so we can speak openly and freely without reprisal from feminists groups and share our feelings and ideas.

Feminists –  Men have bathrooms and locker rooms.  (No we don’t because you want to be able to walk into those places too, but to be realistic, you may discuss your feelings and chat about issues with your fellow women in bathrooms and locker rooms but men see these places to change clothes and defecate/urinate and wash hands.  Not have discussions about our feelings, we prefer less smelly places to do that thanks).

9.   Men’s rights groups are trying to bring to light that women are more favored than men in divorce and child custody cases than men to the point where even when judges agree the mother is unfit and shouldn’t have custody of any children, they will still be awarded support payments and the children, simply because of her gender.

Feminists –  “HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!”

10.  Men have higher suicide rates than women.  The likeliness of a male to commit suicide starts before they hit puberty and will increase as they get older.  By the time they are thirty the chances are 1 out of 12 men will have tried to commit suicide.

Feminists –  Boo Hoo.  Shake it off and act like a man.  I’m the victim of male oppression!

So as you can see by the short list the reactions from feminists have been short and sweet.  Many that have husbands illicit sympathy and are in general polite but they all ignore men’s issues and always have. And in many cases the laws that they have gotten in place under the guise of “equality” have placed heavy influence on our society in the forms of funding to problems that are seen as women’s issues, and in the court systems, and even in jobs and universities.   When men, any men, (even feminist men) speak about this, the men get shouted down (even the feminist ones) and will be called a hate group against women that are claiming to be for equality for all.

Right?   The idea that men standing up for men’s issues and yes using vulgar, rude language to get attention, because frankly we are oppressed.  And we are pissed off.   Not at women but feminists, because all their affirmative action crap and wage gap crap, and those stupid campaigns that are pure man bashing over stupid trivial things like how wide should men be allowed to spread their legs on a subway, or women feeling bad about having to say they are sorry that many consider common sense courtesy.  Like entering a room unannounced, or interrupting a phone call to ask your boss something.

How about this feminists, how about you get the book that is taught in Gender Studies the “Scum Manifesto” banned from the country under the hate crime laws (because that is what it is), start fighting for real issues instead of Manspreading or that stupid Sarah Silverman superbowl ad apologizing because the stupid woman who gave birth in Sarah’s mansion, because she had a boy instead of a girl, or stop the “NOH8” advertisements that bash men opening by using little girls and boys telling grown adults to FUCK OFF.

When you stop bashing men and vilifying men to the point that the suicide rates in men stop rising or that men are treated more fairly in courts and in society then maybe we won’t call your movement a useless, man hating, rape blaming, slut shaming group.

To all the men in the feminist movement.   GET OUT.  They will throw you under the bus faster than shit on their shoe.   They are fooling you into thinking that they are oppressed.  They are no more oppressed than my big toe.  They have more rights than you and more support systems in place than you.  You are nothing but a “Sperm donor” to them.    This goes for all the gay ones as well.   Just because your gay doesn’t mean you don’t support women’s rights.   Even the men’s groups support women’s rights.   We just don’t oppress men to do it.

To the feminists in general,  Practice what you preach bitches!


Feel free to “like” my blog if you agree with the above.

50 reasons Why I am a feminist – Video and my commentary on it.

This self entitled brat is exactly the type of air head that is falling for the feminist gender studies indoctrination.  Listen to the video and below is my commentary to her talking points.

1 in 4 are assaulted? If you are talking about rape it’s actually 1 in 1300. Catcalls and calling you pretty is only harassment because you are not receptive to it at that time, but at other times you crave it when you act all slutty at the campus bar or a frat party. Your friends called you a slut because you had consensual sex with a guy and then regretted it. That isn’t sexual assault that is just regretting doing it.

Consent? They laugh because the feminists idea of consent means a feminist can say yes to sex with a man and then the next day regret it, go to her friends and they laugh and call her slut and so she decides to get vengeance and calls the police adn cries rape but expects to be believed 100% without any proof of rape by the police, but when she isn’t is consoled by her fellow feminazis and blames all men and it comes out the woman was lying but doesn’t get charged for reporting a false crime, and doesn’t apologize for ruining a man’s life for the rape accusation.

And men are sexualized in selling everything from pepsi, soap, shampoo, jeans and everything else under the sun. What’s your point princess?

Your boobs don’t shock and terrify people. Just in some places it shocks people to see a bare breast in public. It is something you don’t see everyday. Maybe if more women marched around shirtless it wouldn’t be a problem.

Pressure to value your appearance? The majority of people couldn’t give a flying fuck how you dress or look. In fact the majority of advertising on beauty products and clothes for women are from companies that are run by and for women. So if your feeling the pressure to look good, then that’s on you. You can walk around in jogging pants and a jersey and I think you would be still considered to be attractive. I really think that is over dramatic.

The united states is the only place I’ve seen plastic surgery taken to extremes. If you want to ruin your body with crappy plastic surgery that is your choice. Again. Not seeing why you feel pressured by this at all.

Male Genital Mutilation. – While I applaud your raising the issue, your the first self proclaimed feminist who actually didn’t laugh at the idea that this is an issue. Bravo.
700 Bills to regulate a woman’s body? I think you mean to protect a woman’s body and reproductive rights etc etc.

The political body numbers are actually pretty high for women in political power. Most women though don’t get into politics because it’s hard to get to congress and takes al ot of money and fundraising to do. Most women just don’t get that far into politics because that takes decades to get to congress.

Actually men occupy the top rungs of the industries women don’t choose to get into. In female dominated fields, the top run is almost always held by women.

1 in four stem jobs. Yup. That is because women don’t choose those fields. In fact, there are so many incentives for women to get into those fields many women get a free pass out of university just so those fields can fill those quotas for equality but women won’t go into those fields by choice because most would rather choose easier jobs or get useless degrees in gender studies.
Sigh…. the pay gap myth. 77 cents for every man dollar is a myth. Or rather an oversimplification. 77% is correct for every single industry, business, put together in a very high level overview. But when you look at the details of the stats and each industry you find out that the gap is there because women are choosing to go into fields that have less pay for more flexibility in choices rather than jobs that men tend to choose that are higher pay for more risk of injury or time away from family. You can’t get those high paying jobs unless you sacrifice and many women don’t want that as stats have shown.

450,000 less than a man in the same position. Yes, again that is because if you choose a field like the tech industry, and then decide to leave for a few years to raise children and then come back, you basically have to start from the bottom again. Most of the industries that women are choosing are like this and this is why there is that wage difference. Women are choosing to do this.

Your less qualified coworker was making twice as much as you? Could he have been working full time and had been there a few years longer than you? Or in a different position than you? Or in a different department than you? What made him less qualified? How are you able to judge if he is less qualified than you? OH wait… he automatically is because he has a penis and therefor has privilege.
The media doesn’t tell you that women are your competition. You ladies do that to yourselves all the time. Women often tell me they enjoy tearing other women down. So that’s all on your gender and not because of media.

Gender roles is another myth. Pink actually used to be the color for boys and blue was the color for girls then it switched at some point in the last 100 years. Toys are based on market research and kids do know what they want to play with. They have no problem telling you which toy they want to play with despite the pretty pink box or blue box or the pictures on the packaging.
I don’t know who told you that women are weak and irrational .. (except for feminists) but every woman that I ever known personally are considered smart, strong, and independent who don’t need men to be in their lives but choose to have them. It’s only the self described feminists that seem to be irrational, emotional and stupid, who claim they don’t need men, and can do anything a man can do but then blame men for all their problems instead of actually solving them without the help of men.

So your a feminist because someone called your friend in tenth grade a pussy and it tore him up for weeks? Sigh.. If that “tore him up for weeks” then he had other issues and it wasn’t because he was called a pussy.

Worst insult to be compared to a woman. That is called trash talk. It happens everywhere from everyone including from your feminist compatriots. They bash men all the time and call men pussies so really, I have to ask. Was it you who called your friend a pussy and got a kick from it?
Boys aren’t shamed for being emotionally open. We just don’t make a public spectacle of doing it at every single opportunity. Men and boys cry about things all the time. We just do it for more important reasons than because a friend was called a pussy in grade 10.

No one in this day and age says womanhood is weak. Only the feminists do.

So pushing babies out of a vagina is cause to go to feminism?

Genders; YES there are two genders. Male and Female. Transsexual is a label to describe someone who is going from one gender to the other through medical means. That is not an alternate gender. Neither is CIS. It is a made up gender by feminist professors to try to justify gender studies. So they made up a bunch of fake genders to fool people. As well as confuse new generations into thinking they are CIS or other fake genders. Genders is based on your genitalia, not on what the doctor announces you are. If you have a penis your male, if you have a vagina, you are female.

LGBT folks of all races and color are on screen. Margaret Cho, Ellen, Neil Patrick Harris. and many others. There are even shows that feature all gay cast like Queer as folk and some have mixed race families like modern family. If you got out of gender studies once in awhile and turned on a tv you would see this. There was even a black football player who got accepted into the NFL and kissed his partner on the news live.
So you becoming a feminist helps the women in Yeomen how?

No one believes you deserve to be raped. There is no rape culture and there are no groups of scary men discussing how to rape women who dress in scanty clothes.
In Saudi Arabia, women can drive and they don’t have voting there. Under Sharia law, a woman can own property and when she marries, that property is still owned by her, but her husband has to take on the financial burden of paying for that property like it’s taxes. As well if the woman wants to do something like get a job, the money she earns is all hers. However the man has to pay for everything for her, her clothes, transportation, any childcare expenses, and as well the woman will own half the rights to any property they accumulate in the marriage. So that is why the woman has to ask the her husband’s permission. He has a financial stake in whatever that wife does and that is only fair that he can say no.
Women’s bodies are used in a battle ground of war by men? Are you fucking kidding me? Your ignoring the fact that men are DYING in those wars. MORE MEN are dying a hundred fold than the women that are raped. This proved how much you don’t care for equality. Men come home from those wars without body parts, scarring, wounds, Mental health issues and many don’t have support and because of their injuries, they are unable to go into careers and earn a living and end up poor or on the streets homeless.

You care more for women in other countries than you do soldiers fighting in wars and coming home with little or no support from the country they fight for. YOU TWAT!

Yes pull out the period card. Your gender is the only one who gets to use the “hormone: card to get out of jail for crimes like assault, murder etc. YOU TWAT.

No I wouldn’t take them any more seriously out of a male feminist mouth than a female feminist or a cis feminist or a whatever feminist. YOUR ALL MORONS.


Your eyes are open but they are not seeing squat. And your mind is about as active as the kid on the back of the school bus who wore the bike helmet and licked the fucking windows. That’s about how much your brain works.

Yeah we are there. You feminists can’t see it.


Trends women hate

Okay I have to answer the crap this person is writing.

1. Nothing is stopping you from walking at night. YOu are safer and less likely to be attacked than if a man was walking alone at night. Stats show men get attacked more than women do.

2. Your rant on “feeling comfortable on your own” … Feminists will protest and scream if a man shames someone and yet your idea to help your fellow woman who is not confortable is to run away and make fun of her fashion choices? Really?

3. The reason men ponder this and I’ll tell you this from experience from when I was in grade school and had female friends. SOME UNDERAGE GIRLS TRY TO DATE OLDER MEN AND HAVE SEX WITH THEM! That’s right little girls do go out and have sex. They will purposely trick adult men into having sex by dressing like a fucking 19 year old. They pile on the makeup and do their hair and then go on dates with guys and tell them GASP! They are 18 or 19. THis is part of your privlege by the way. The girl because she is a girl doesn’t get into trouble but the guy who has no clue that the girl is underage can and will be arrested with rape if caught, even though the girl tricks him. So when you hear a guy ponder a girls age, it’s because he had a fucking bad experience with a girl.

4. Sigh. Femininazi is a term used my men like myself because if you have read the feminist literature, including SCUM MANIFESTO, it is about the degradation, belittling and even mass killing of men. Feminism is not about equality like they tell you.

5. Neither is sneaking into a man’s bedroom and sucking him off while he is asleep or drugging him and fucking him silly even after wakes up and tells you no. But women don’t seem to have a problem doing this too. Fortunately, you won’t be arrested for rape but men will be if they did the same thing.

So yeah .. You may hate those “Trends” but when you have double standards, use the law to perform hate crimes against men and try to create brand new genders out of thin air, you femininazi’s tend to come off as insane.

I thought I heard it all… until today.


Today I heard a term I first heard on South Park and never heard about again.  At the time, I had no clue what South Park was joking about and frankly, laughed along with the episode, (Cartman is fucking funny!)

Today,  I ran into it again.  It was on a youtube video from a self described CIS male feminist, about why he needs feminism.  He started his dialog with describing himself as a “Identifying as CIS with his assigned gender”.    This caused me to do a search online for the term and get more information.

Here is the Wikipedia entry on it.

Cisgender and cissexual (often abbreviated to simply cis) describe related types of gender identity where individuals’ experiences of their own gender match the sex they were assigned at birth.[1] Sociologists Kristen Schilt and Laurel Westbrook define cisgender as a label for “individuals who have a match between the gender they were assigned at birth, their bodies, and their personal identity” as a complement to transgender.[2]

Please read that entry carefully.   If you are scratching your head, it is the same reaction I had.  There are a few issues with this.

Gender isn’t “assigned at birth”.   You are either male or female.   That is the way it is.  You can’t magically assign a baby with a penis as female or vice versa,   So by identifying your self as CIS your basically saying without saying it your male or female.  In the case of the experience with the video, he was male.

He continued by stating he needed feminism because while being CIS he didn’t fit the “Idea” of male by others and would experience shaming etc from other males or females.    So his reasoning was to join a group of females and males who are for the oppression of men.      He then continues and talks about how he has trouble finding potential dating partners and it is obvious he is leaving out pronouns in his descriptions.   For example he will not say He or She.  It’s always partner.   So for me being a gay man, and having seen this over and over and over and over and over for almost thirty years, I pegged him as being gay and in the closet.  Which if he was in the states, I can understand why depending on which state he is in.

CIS?  I’m so floored by the idiocy of the feminists and yet am in awe.  Not because they are great.  I’ve made it clear in previous pages that I hate feminism and all it stands for, but for the way it has interwoven so much into society that is can turn anyone from identifying from their gender to some fake one.

According to feminist theories from what I am reading they basically want to eliminate any type of gender identity.  That’s right.  They want eliminate the idea I’m a man because I have a beard, or that we identify a woman because she doesn’t have a beard etc.

I am honestly thinking I have to hit my head on a brick wall to make myself stupid enough to believe this garbage.  And yet we have millions of young girls going to university, spending billions of dollars in tuition to learn this in gender studies.

And these young feminists wonder why their Bachelor in Gender Studies has no value in the world?

Men’s Rights Movement vs Feminism – Which one is Toxic?


I’m going to start out by saying up until recently I knew very little about feminists and their movement.  I was always taught that it was about equal rights for both women and men and so when I saw men who identified themselves, as feminists, I really didn’t notice any problem.     That being said, I’ve been finding myself lately watching videos on you tube, that started innocently enough, but delved deeper into feminism and I began to notice a pattern with both the Men’s Rights Activists and the Feminists.   So I decided to educate myself on both sides to find out what was happening.   What I found out shocked me and helped me realize I wasn’t alone.

I will start out with the Men’s Right’s Movement.    These are people who are trying to form associations and groups to bring attention to men’s issues,  just as feminism did for women back in the 1970s.   Some of the issues I can identify with, as I have experienced them before and some I had no clue as I never really considered or thought about to closely.   One of the ones that stuck out for me was the genital mutilation.  I myself I fully admit,  still have my foreskin.   However, being a gay man and before meeting my husband I have slept with other men who weren’t.  They all said the same thing when we discussed uncut vs cut.   They all wished they had their foreskin.   Even my husband says it to me at times and even contemplates getting surgery to get it back.     Not having our foreskin is  a big issue because it leaves scars and even insecurities for men all through their lives, and at the very least leaves them with this sense of regret and longing.

Some other issues that I had a vague idea about but didn’t give much thought was the statistics on the damage done to men by society.
90% of the homeless are men, and almost 100% have some mental disability that doesn’t allow them to be able to function or hold down jobs, and because there are almost zero support systems in place, (because men are supposed to buck up and be men) they end up on the street, sleeping on cardboard on open grates.
The rates of suicide with men are alarming as well.  There is a One in Six chance that a man will kill himself by the time he is Thirty years old.
Then the issue of the court system favoring women over men and men being forced to pay huge sums of money that drive men to suicide or leave the country or even being jailed.
Or the right to choose parenthood.  Men don’t have that choice.

Domestic violence.  Half of all domestic violence against men is done by their wives and spouses.  (This is one feminists disagree with or completely ignore making excuses for the women).    The reason this should be a concern is men are automatically assumed to be the assaulter when the police show and will be charged if it perceived the women is in distress example being crying when the police show.   Even if the guy has been stabbed (there are videos on youtube by guys who got stabbed or worse), by the spouse, the man is still considered the one at fault and in many cases are jailed but are later released or not.

The list goes on and on.   I talked to my husband about these issues and he didn’t know either and was silent listening to me.  I still don’t know what was on his mind as he became really silent and then changed the subject.   The Men’s right movement is seeking to change this and fix the problems that have been overlooked for so long, and this stems from another movement that focused on women’s rights while claiming to be for equality.

That is the Feminist Movement.   Now, like I said I am for equality. I believe everyone should be treated equal and that is what I thought feminists were about.  Until I watched and listened to their theories and curriculum that is taught in college or university.   This movement has started so long ago that there are calling the current crop of college students who identify with this group as “Third Wave” feminists.

What really made me shake my head in complete and utter disgust was the blind stupidity with the majority as a whole.   While individually, many seem reasonable, as a group, they really make you wish their parents had used birth control or their mothers had aborted in the first trimester.  (YES I WENT THERE).

These women are definitely not for equality.  They believe the men (Patriarchy) is the reason why they have always suffered oppression.    Even today in 2015, they are still the victims of oppression and will spew this ideological puke, that sounds so convoluted, you need a flow chart to understand what they are talking about.

Let me explain.

Logically thinking people will think like this;   A to B to C to D = E.      Normal people think in a logical sequence that helps you take proper steps A to achieve E.    This is how, normal sane brain function and critical thinking works.

What you get with feminists is :  A to D to L to N to B to F to 12 to ZZ to Xy = B but really means E.

Makes no sense and you need a flow chart.

The pattern I did notice was that every single idea of theirs left them with zero responsibility for their own actions.   Pretty much every idea had the blame placed solely on the shoulders of men.

Let’s take the rape theories.

1.  If a man and a woman meet in a bar, get drunk and go have sex, then the woman has been raped.   Yup that’s right.  She has been raped.  Why?  Because she was incapable to give consent because, she was drunk.

The reason that idea is absolutely garbage and should be rejected is because the drunk defense is not a defense.  If you get into a car drunk and hit someone, you can’t say “I’m not responsible because I was drunk”.  That defense hasn’t been accepted by courts for decades.   Yet if a woman is drunk she is not responsible and therefore has been raped?  Yet that guy she slept with who was equally drunk is responsible for rape?   This insane notion is harmful because it removes all responsibility of actions from the women and places it on the man.   Not only that but this idea is taken seriously by police and many men, end up in jail for rape, especially if they get a feminist judge.

2.  If a woman doesn’t verbally give consent but ever so slightly pulls away and the man continues and they have sex, then he just committed rape.   This will also land him in jail.    This one also removes all liability from a woman to actually verbally say NO.    The act of saying no was the ever so slight pulling away that you as a man are to magically pick up on.

3.  This one is my favorite as it shows even more how insane this movement is.   If a woman has consensual sex with you, and the next day or a few days later regrets it, that can be considered rape.  However, this one is manipulated.  If your a sane woman reading this and have gone through this scenario and recognize that yes sometimes you can regret this but it isn’t rape, think back to when you did this and talked to friends.   This one is common because feminists will convince you that you have been raped.   Even though you never considered that to begin with.  A women with strong belief system in place will see this and laugh and move on.   Some women will allow their friends to convince them and then off goes the man to jail.

As well we are expected 100% to believe the word of the woman when she claims rape.  She shouldn’t be expected to provide any evidence, and doesn’t need a rape kit done.    Instead her word  should be assumed as gospel, because after all, there is no women on the planet who has never lied or lied to police to get vengeance on a perceived wrong.  All women are again victims and men are scum.   They will even protest on masse at police departments or court houses when they perceive a woman who has claimed rape was found to have no evidence and the case was dropped.  Or found that they fabricated the story.  To feminists, that doesn’t matter and the woman should be believed and the man or men should have their lives ruined, because after all the woman imagined the man doing it so therefor it happened.

Those are just a few of their so called rape scenarios that they really do believe.   One video I watched , the feminists in the audience had question number 1 thrown at them and they unanimously agreed that it was rape.  The speaker, asked them on what earth is that rape when they both consent?   And when a student in the audience along with his “Women’s Studies” professor demanded to see proof that it wasn’t.  She easily responded back with ” It’s logic”.   The one male student the camera focused on looked like he was hit in the head with a bat, as I don’t believe he ever really thought about it but just repeated the same mantras.

Another theory they have is the wage gap.  I couldn’t tell you how wrong that theory and anyone with half a brain and google can find out again this is just not true.    The feminists twist things around here again and say they are the victims of male oppression and still claim it is true.   Even though statistics and studies show it isn’t.   Absolutely insanity.

Then the whole right to the body thing.  Now while I am understanding that view to a point.  I do believe men have rights here too.    A man should have a say in wether or not he can become a father and if the woman doesn’t want the child he should have a say on keeping that baby if he wants it.

Feminists don’t want men to have the choice   To them, the choice was made when they had sex with the woman.   Once you have sex with a feminist, that’s it, your fucked dude.    They will choose to have that child and can force you in law to pay for it.  And don’t think you get off of paying for the child if your not the father, because she can drag you into court and make you pay for it as well.  She usually does this by tricking you into marrying her before the baby is born.   If that baby is black and your both white.  That baby wasn’t yours but she will make you pay for it for the next 21 years.

If you challenge any of their ideas or notions in any organized fashion, they form protests and become violent and then cry they are the victims of oppression.

The following  woman features in many copies of the same video, who in one breath says she is for equal rights and then screams at the men who are trying to speak with her calmly, but she herself in a rage “SHUT THE FUCK UP” or belittles the men when they answer her question about the men’s issues.


I admit, this woman in particular really made me angry, and I admit I wanted to slap her.  Do a search on the Men’s Right Movement and you will run across the video that many people have posted.   She comes off as a rabid bitch, who should be drugged and put into a padded cell for insane people.    I know what I just said will piss off feminists, but I don’t care.  So far the majority I’ve seen of them, have these insane ideas and will berate men for speaking up.  Those women don’t deserve any respect or me being polite to them.

Now I know I seem harsh but after watching these videos non stop for weeks and comparing the two groups, I can only say that the Men’s Right Movement has my vote.   They do criticize the feminists and their agenda but only because it claims to be for equality then slaps men down when they speak about the issues facing men and boys.    For this reason alone, the MRA will never find any common ground with feminism, because their agenda won’t allow them to admit they have done any harm to men, or are oppressing men.   To them, if you disagree with their agenda then your a misogynist, patriarcal bastard, who oppresses and rapes women.

The new thing the feminists seem to be doing lately as well is attack the gay men.  According to them, they claim we are not supporting them in their agenda.   I have to say as a gay man myself..  NO SHIT SHERLOCK!

So to all the bitchy feminists like the one above and that includes the one in the photo.   The following paragraph is just for you.

I’m a gay man. I supported women’s rights from the very beginning.  I was there in the 90s when lesbians wanted special places to meet and agreed with that.  I had many feminist lesbian friends when I was young.  I supported you, even the women who hated men and were open about it.   I am for and always have been for equality.   But you bitches have subverted the movement and made it toxic.  So much, men are killing themselves from sheer depression, desperation and financial stress so you can be pampered and not have any responsibility for your actions.  Your theories are insane and garbage and any idiot with half a brain can see through them.  You prey on the stupid and have insinuated yourself into our school systems, governments and have subverted things enough that you achieved your goals but are oppressing men and little boys.  You are the evil of the world and you need therapy.    If some of us gay men have not supported you, then BOO FUCKING WHO.  You don’t deserve any man’s support.  I hope all your husband’s and boyfriends smarten up and leave you and leave you with nothing so your forced to fend for yourself.  Your children should be taken away from you, so they don’t learn the hate you spew in the guise of equality.  Until you learn that this planet has two genders and one of them is not your fucking doormat then there cannot be equality.

(This rant was not for those feminists who are the ones who are sane.  That rant was for the delusional ones who spew hate at men).

Call me what you will but at this point I’ve seen the evidence, from the illegal behavior from feminists at protests to stop men’s rights groups to form, gamer-gate propaganda, to the ad campaigns “don’t be that guy”.   It’s all garbage nonsense attacking men and not acknowledging or admitting any responsibility in being part of a gender that consist of half the population that raised those so called rapists.

And now this one is to the men.   Word of advice.   When meeting a woman at a bar or anywhere really, find out right out the bat if they are a feminist if you can.  Ask them questions about what they think about some of the topics above.  If any of them think the men’s rights movement is garbage or agree with the feminists ideas, then run away fast.  Those women are toxic.