Dear American/Canadian Democrats/Liberals….Hilary Clinton, Obama, George Soros, and every other Democrat/Liberal politician.

Dear Democrats/Liberals,

I write this open letter to you, in hopes you will start to see reason.    Yesterday, multiple pipe bombs were sent to people who are devoutly democrat.    Obama, Clinton, CNN and a few others.    A week before George Soros received a bomb.

While I don’t condone these actions, I do understand how they came about.      For the past 2 almost 3 years now, you democrats have attacked, ridiculed and even have called for violence and harassment of anyone who supports Trump.      As a result angry mobs have verbally abused, threatened the lives and even assaulted not only people who work for Trump, but the average person.     People lose their jobs because they support Trump, kids get banned from wearing MAGA hats or clothing to school, and white men get let go from work to make room for others who happen to be a woman or a person of color.

You democrats, have heard the calls for violence from CNN, Hilary Clinton, Obama, Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi and more.     The left wing news outlets denied they did this, yet, we see it on the news all the time.

Then there is the blatant racism from people on the left, including Obama, Hilary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters and every single democrat politician and news outlet.    To give an example, when you say “White Privilege” or call someone a House Negro on National Television, or say things like a “white lash”, these are all racist statements.    Add in the anti white male sentiment that has been growing, that even President Trump has noticed and commented on in the news and you get what happened.    CNN had a panel that openly used racist rhetoric about Kanye and instead of calling it out, Don Lemon laughed right along with them.      Trevor Noah, late night host and comedian, has openly chanted and laughed about South African whites being brutally raped, burned alive and being shot by angry racist black people.   Singing “Kill the Boer”, which Boer is a racist slang term for white person.  On par with the N word for blacks.

Then add in the anti male movements, like the #metoo movement where we saw an innocent man get flayed publicly, by democrats who didn’t care about Dr. Ford.   Who only used to her to stop Trump’s pick for the Supreme Court.    It wouldn’t have mattered if his pick was a Lesbian Black Disabled woman, because democrats would have tried to stop it regardless all because Trump picked the person.    You know this.   I know this.   We all know this is true.        Women should not be believed at her word when it comes to serious accusations such as sexual assault or rape.    A recent study was finished after studying statistics and tracking sexual assault and rape claims in my country (Canada), and they concluded that over 40% of these claims are false claims.

Democrats.  People lie.  They lie to themselves, they lie to others and they lie for many reasons.   In Dr. Fords cased she openly lied at least 3 times that could be verified.    She lied about the fear of flying, she lied about her claustrophobia and she lied about not prepping people for a lie detector test to beat it.     Dr. Ford was NOT a credible at all.    And under the presumption of innocence you cannot condemn someone on the word of someone who clearly had an agenda.  And yes Dr Ford had an agenda.      She did benefit from that situation and all she did was tell a story, that could not be verified.    Yet we saw mobs of people banging down the doors at the Supreme court when Judge Kavenaugh was finally confirmed and sworn in.

Democrats, you are irrational.   You are unreasonable and worse you have collectively gone insane.      You are indoctrinated into an ideology of feminism and intersectionality and marxism, that the collective matters more than the individual.

Your hate is what caused the bombs being sent.  Your rhetoric has been the cause of this.   Your violence is the cause of this.

On Immigration:    You want open borders.   You claim you don’t yet you have calls for the abolishment of ICE, and to let literally millions of people to freely enter the United States.     Your management of California and allowing this to become a sanctuary state has been a colossal failure.    Under Obama, wages did not stagnate, they went down due to the mass amounts of illegals that were allowed to roam around and work for less than the min wage.    It’s gotten so bad in California that you now have a feudal system there.    The Rich and the Poor.  That is it.  The middle class has disappeared and you are left with so many homeless people that you cannot even clean their shit off the streets.   Drug use is at epidemic proportions, and the waste and filth is so bad that the possibility of diseases we haven’t seen in over 200 years is a clear possibility.     Crime is worse in California since you have allowed your leaders to make robbery, break and enter and snatch and grabs a misdemeanor and the police do nothing.

Nothing you have done has worked.  Nothing you say is true.    You have redefined words to fit your narrow hate filled views of the world.

Here are some facts.

Every race has it’s racists.   It is not reserved or is mainly coming from white people.
Republicans are not all racists but republicans are seeing you as such.
Not all the migrants that come illegally are doing so for a better life.    Many are trafficking women into the sex trades,  children into child slavery or sex trafficking, bringing in drugs, and even violent gangs like MS-13 come in.     Having a border wall won’t completely stop this, but it will help to lower the numbers coming in.
Republicans are NOT against immigration.  They are against ILLEGAL immigration.  That means crossing at an official entry point is good, sneaking across anywhere else is bad.

Now, let me talk about your racism and bigotry some more because much of the problems we are seeing is coming from that.

You have a bigotry of low expectations.   You think that minority groups need a leg up.   You think that they can’t do it on their own and as such white people should give that to them.     That is racism.   You don’t think a person of color can succeed on their own so you throw money at this.     Republicans (many of them) believe that if you work hard, get an education and make the correct life choices you will succeed.       Of course you don’t see it that way you DEMOCRATS have created a welfare system and other welfare programs that incentivize poor people to stay poor.   You give them handouts, pay for their food, their housing, you encourage women financially to break up with their spouse.  Yes you do this.    You are all for killing babies via abortion.   And it is killing babies.     If someone killed a pregnant woman, they are charged with a double murder charge and yet you seem to think that the life growing inside a woman is not a baby.   You have lied to yourself to make yourself feel better about killing children by making up lies, saying it’s only a group of cells, or it’s just a fetus and not yet a baby.     More babies are killed per year than people by gun violence in the united states.    Let that sink in.

You don’t think women are able to succeed on their own, so you demand diversity quotas in board rooms, yet we hear no calls for demands of women to join the military in combat zones, or working in sewers, or construction, or other labor intensive or dangerous jobs.   Nope, you want power.  That’s all.    You bash men all over, in the media, pop culture, in the news.   If a man has sex with a child he is a pedophile, but when a woman does it she is portrayed as a victim.

Democrats you are racists, sexist bigots.    Stop lying to yourself, to others and stop projecting your hatred onto Republicans.   We are on to your little game, we know what you are.   We know what you are doing.   Each time you call a Trump supporter some slur, we know that it is because you are just a hate filled angry person.

Start being nicer.  Stop Bashing men.  Stop bashing straight people, and most of all, stop following or protecting hateful ideologies.    Like Feminism, and Islam.    They are evil ideologies.


Fed Up Gay White Male Canadian.

Modern Liberalism – The New Face of Hate.

We have turned a tide in what and who liberals are.   No longer can we say that Liberals are good people.   Kind people.  Or even tolerant people.     Today, those ideals belong to conservatives.

Classic Liberalism held to these ideals and many people who consider themselves liberal follow these values.    However, a new form of Liberalism has taken power and it calls itself progressive.

We saw this during the american Trump campaign.  The lies, the hate, the vile rhetoric and most importantly how progressive liberals, spread their banner of love under the actions of hate and fear.

Progressives are now the bullies and the hated.   Along with feminists and social justice warriors who all fly under the banner of progressive ideals.     I have to wonder though, how progressive is it, to attack someone for money, accept money to commit violence, lie about crimes against a minority group.

It’s time to call out liberals for what they are.   The rest of use just want to live in peace.   Live our lives the way we want, say what we want, when we want.     Criticize an ideology, idea, debate it, dissect it, without being called racist, sexist, bigoted or any of the other myriad of “isms” which are intended to quite our collective voices.     Did you know it is racist to criticize the crime that a person of color has committed?   That it is racist to believe that they actually did do the crime, even when that crime has been captured on video?

Liberal media is partially to blame for the modern day idea that these stories can be anything but what they say it is.   If you speak out against the narrative, then you get viciously attacked by swarms of liberals.

Take the recent story of the lady who spoke with Justin Trudeau over the skyrocketing hydro rates in Ontario.    She spoke with eloquence and with passion, from the heart.   Asking and speaking what many, many people in Ontario are thinking.   She has medical issues and yet she worked multiple jobs to pay a monthly hydro bill which was higher than her mortgage.     The response was disgusting.   Death threats, threats on her family, harassment and all for a 2 minute video of her asking questions of the prime minister and his lackluster non response.

You can see the bullying, attacks on people, almost daily.    And it will get worse.    We just had our own version of Trump announce that he will be entering the leadership race for the conservative party in Canada.  His name.   Kevin O’Leary.     A great businessman, but questionable on social niceties.    And just days after his announcement, the liberals are already passing insults, derogatory comments, and trying to smear his name and worse, ignore his accomplishments, by simply calling him a reality tv show star.

Liberals, Feminists, SJWs are bullies, racists and sexist.

You can always tell because they will use terms like “Mansplaining from a old white guy” – Ageism, Sexism, Racism is what I hear in that sentence.   Or how black people cannot be racist.   The idea that no other race can be racist when historically and currently, there is rampant racism in the other races.

So stop being nice to liberals if they attack you.  Don’t walk away.   Human beings won’t learn unless they get their proverbial hand slapped.   So let’s slap their hands.  Together we can make Canada great again.

New Mental Disorder Discovered- IVD

Bipolar Disorder1


I have discussions with people both online and in real life about current affairs, politics, activism, and more.     Many people are passionate about what they are discussing and as such, I really don’t mind when the discussion or debate gets heated.    If both people understand that the discussion or debate is just that, then you can have a heated debate without taking it personally.

However, many people out there are unable to cope with this idea and do take things personally.   And those people tend to be the worst.   Especially some of the commentators on social media sites.   Instead of saying something constructive or conducive to the debate or discussion at hand, they of course, resort to name calling or attacking someone for stating something they have every right to state.     And instead of being civilized they become these lunatics with an axe to grind.

After decades of being active online,  I can spot these people very easily.   They try to come off as some sort of moral authority on their opinion and attack someone by using slurs that sound racist and bigoted.   Then when you confront them they invariably turn their ire on you when you defend yourself or a friend  from them.   When that doesn’t work and their argument falls apart they then try to slander you to try to get you to move away from the topic at hand in hopes that you will defend yourself from their offensive and then finally claim victim status saying you are the aggressor while they are the poor victim.

This happens almost daily online with people.   They think that being offended by something they see online gives them the automatic moral right to attack people, and when they are defended against, they pretend to be victims of abuse online.    There are many people out there who do this.   I see many feminists, SJWs and liberals who do this.

New Disorder….??

This is what I call the Infantile Victim Disorder or IVD.   You get an IVD when you have a warped set of beliefs that cause you to believe there is a mysterious patriarchy made up of old white men out to get you.    Or that you think you are superior to the other person due to their body parts.  And even due to a skin tone that is not considered Caucasian.

Symptoms include,  being “triggered“.  Using the word Problematic,  and telling men they have male privilege or the other variant if you are a person of another color,  having white male privilege.

Other symptoms may include:   Obesity, Poverty, Neon color in hair, getting undressed in public to march against rape, yelling and spitting on men at university, submitting false rape claims, false reports of sexual assault.  Raping men.  Being the aggressor in domestic violence.  Lesbianism.

If you suspect you have IVD, please go see a psychiatrist immediately.     Usually sufferers of IVD also have Bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder and project their issues and blame others for problems that don’t exist or are the cause of the sufferer’s own actions.

Gender Fluid theory is Garbage.


To many people, they believe that gender fluid means that you can change your gender, like you can change your underwear.  The reality (truth) is that you can’t.    Gender is the description word we use to describe the sex of a person via pronouns.   “He” is the gender pronoun for a male.  “She” is the gender pronoun for a female.

The gender fluid idea not only dictates that you change your gender like you change your underwear, but that there must be a new gender pronouns created to describe these people.

Gender neutral pronouns have been created so people won’t offend their special snowflake friends.

Here is an example of made up, and in some cases unpronounceable pronouns:

Gender Pronouns.png

More of the garbage can be found here:

The problem with all this is simply the fact that people actually think, that changing your gender is the simply act of a way of thought or clothing.     The act of putting on a dress for a guy or bandaging up the breasts for a woman and putting on the opposite gender’s clothing means that they are the opposite sex.    It is not.   This is typically known as cross-dressing.

I’ve heard the idea from the idiots who believe this nonsense that gender is based on your personality, and not your anatomy.    This is also untrue, since your anatomy dictates if your male or female.  Hence, why people say “Penis = Male” and “Vagina = Female”.

There are mentally ill people who think they are puppy dogs to and want to live out their lives as dogs or even other animals or even mythical creatures.

That brings me to trans-gendered people.   These people fall into the same category as the above.

These people suffer from a mental illness called “Gender Dysphoria”

These are people who are unhappy with their biological sex and believe they are the opposite sex.   That somehow, the doctor when they were born, didn’t recognize the proper gender and “assigned” them the wrong one.

Decades ago this was treated, successfully I might add, as a mental illness.  The treatment used to entail regular visits to a psychiatrist and medication.   It was believed that people who suffered from this illness had a chemical imbalance.    Then came the gay rights movement and feminism.      They cited that it was NOT a mental illness that gender is a social construct.    They convinced enough people, to re-examine the idea of the treatments, saying they are more harmful than helpful because it ignores the person’s feelings.     Remember folks, feeling over fact and science is precedence with these people.

Then doctors created the mutilation surgeries that are still to this day, really bad.  They allow people to voluntarily mutilate their bodies via cosmetic surgery in an effort to look like the opposite sex, while not being able to be biologically the opposite sex.

Let me explain.

You cannot change your DNA.   You cannot change your muscle structure.  You cannot change your skeletal structure.      So your body regardless of the surgery will still show up as your sex that you were born as.       This makes all those transgender surgeries under the category of cosmetic.

The worse part of it is that they are chopping off working body parts, and sewing on body parts that do not work as intended.   For example, a male undergoing a male to female surgery, will not have a working uterus, and no eggs.    So after the surgery she cannot bear children.    A female to male is worse.   In many cases the female decides to KEEP her uterus and have a penis sewn on.  Only the penis cannot produce sperm and needs a rod or a pump installed to inflate it to be able to have sex.   So technically it doesn’t work as functioning male either.   In many of the cases of the women who go through those surgeries and keep their uterus, they decide at some point to have a baby.

Transgender means that you are transitioning from one gender to another.  It doesn’t mean you can stay in that middle state and call yourself a man if you have a uterus.
Then the argument comes in that “Oh but the surgeries are expensive”.    Yes, well cosmetic surgeries usually are, because they do not add any value to health.  And are why they call them cosmetic.

And these people still are not happy after they go through with the surgeries.   In fact many regret doing it.  So much that they commit suicide in the same high numbers as they do before the surgeries.

When you fight your own biology, you will lose.  You can’t change your gender.  It is scientifically an impossibility.    Feminist theory professors have an agenda.  Indoctrination into the cult of feminism.  They need to convince young minds that their theories are facts and due to the borg collective mentally of feminism,  many just believe this without question.

Don’t fall for the idea that Gender is fluid on anyone’s say so.  Challenge it.  Question it.   Dissect it.

Feminism is becoming a Cult…


We are now seeing generations of people coming out of our education system, less educated, and less able to think critically than when they went in.   As a result, we are seeing these same people deny the definition of words that are listed in dictionaries and going with their own.     Case in point, is when you point out the dictionary definition of feminism to someone, and they say “well that’s YOUR definition.  My definition is …..”.

This is the idiocy that I am speaking of.    It has gotten so bad that these people cannot even think critically about what they are even saying, and follow the cult mentality of the ideology.

Here is a comparison of a religion, to feminism.

Religion have a god and a devil.

Feminism has well, Feminism and he evil Patriarchy.

Religion has the oppressed and the oppressors.

Feminism has the ever victims called Women and Men are oppressing them.  Even male babies and men who die protecting them.

Religion has an ideology that has a list of sins.

Feminism has this too.   Women are sinners if they support men who don’t follow feminism, who decide to be housewives, etc.

Men are born in sin.   Are all potential rapists and aggressors.

Religion has a persecution complex.

So does feminism.   Patriarchy keeps women down!

Religion has a Pope!

Feminism has Justin Trudeau! (Irony)

The comparisons can go on and on.    The current feminist pope… I mean mouthpiece,  recently proclaimed that Liberals should be considered a movement, and not a political party.     He is blurring the lines purposely.   He wants people to start thinking of the liberal party as a movement because this way it makes it easier for the feminist movement to control it more openly instead of via puppet strings.

We need to stop this and shout it down.  Everywhere, and every-time we see it.     We may not all agree on political topics, but identity politics should not be part of government.    I can vividly see a future where men are forced to sit to pee and getting angry at a woman or speaking against a woman becomes a crime if these people continue and have their way.

Keep fighting for freedom people.   Liberals/Feminism is not freedom, but a cage.


Feminism is an Ideology based on Hate.


I will say this over and over, until feminism ideology is treated by society, exactly what it is, which is an ideology of hatred of men.   Period.   People are leaving feminism ideology in droves but it won’t be finished unless it is legally recognized as a hate group.  Much like Neo-Nazi’s are treated.

I’ve heard the arguments from pro-feminists who give this world view description of it that is pure fantasy and not based on reality.   Even from the so called men, who support feminism, have been brainwashed in this ideology of hate, that they cannot even see it.

Here are some common arguements and lies that pro-feminists use to defend the hate group ideology.

1.  Feminism is about equality for all.

Yes we have all heard that one, and we all know it isn’t true.   The dictionary is a book that has the definitions of words in the english language and it tells a different definition.

Here it is: Feminism

The advocacy of women’s rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes.

Now this reads like it is about equal rights but it isn’t.    Here is a real definition of equality.


The doctrine that all people are equal and deserve equal rights and opportunities.

Notice the difference feminists?   No?  Let me “mansplain” for you.

The first definition devotes the energy to supporting women’s rights only.    It operates on the assumption they are treated less than men.

Egalitarianism however, is one of equality, for everyone.   Not based on gender, not based on race, or sexuality.     In other words, it doesn’t give special treatment for one group.

Back to common arguments in the defense of feminism:

2. Feminism cares about men!

No actually it doesn’t.   It is a sexist, bigotted and homophobic ideaology.   It is a facist movement that was co-oped back in the 60s, by angry women.   They teach in gender studies courses the division of people.  It classifies them and puts them into victim groups with white men being the oppressors.

Let’s delve further into this. intersectionality:

The interconnected nature of social categorizations such as race, class, and gender as they apply to a given individual or group, regarded as creating overlapping and interdependent systems of discrimination or disadvantage:
through an awareness of intersectionality, we can better acknowledge and ground the differences among us’

The whole definition is about separating and categorizing based on oppression.   This ideology is taught in gender studies courses and taught this is still happening in western culture and society.    It teaches that we need to label ourselves and plot our victim hood on some scale of privilege vs oppression.

The final thing about intersectionanilty is that is doesn’t include white males.   Not one feminist, or their supporting men, will say that white men are an oppressed class and part of this intersectionanility.   In fact they will go out of their way and angrily pronounce that white men are the most privileged people in society, who oppress everyone else.

3.  Feminism loves men:

Sure they do, because this is their main scapegoat for all their projection of self hate.

Here is a classic example of blaming men by a blogger who wrote an article about why the world needs feminism.

The gist of the article is that men are still the oppressors and still   I will follow up on this article with a list of my own to counter this one because this is the type of nonsense we need to speak out against.

4.  Feminism isn’t about hate.   It’s about love!

I heard this one by so many feminists, that it makes me so angry every-time I hear it.   It also shows they are down syndrome retarded in their thinking.     Here are some quotes by feminists that show the love!

“All sex, even consensual sex between a married couple, is an act of violence perpetrated against a woman.”
Catherine MacKinnon

“I believe that women have a capacity for understanding and compassion which man structurally does not have, does not have it because he cannot have it. He’s just incapable of it.”
Former Congresswoman Barbara Jordan.

“Men’s sexuality is mean and violent, and men so powerful that they can ‘reach WITHIN women to fuck/construct us from the inside out.’ Satan-like, men possess women, making their wicked fantasies and desires women’s own. A woman who has sex with a man, therefore, does so against her will, ‘even if she does not feel forced.’
Judith Levine, (explicating comment profiling prevailing misandry.)

“I want to see a man beaten to a bloody pulp with a high-heel shoved in his mouth, like an apple in the mouth of a pig.”
Andrea Dworkin; from her book Ice and Fire .

“I claim that rape exists any time sexual intercourse occurs when it has not been initiated by the woman, out of her own genuine affection and desire.”
Robin Morgan


From ‘A feminist Dictionary; ed. Kramarae and Triechler, Pandora Press, 1985:

MALE:…represents a variant of or deviation from the category of female. The first males were mutants…the male sex represents a degeneration and deformity of the female.

MAN:…an obsolete life form… an ordinary creature who needs to be watched…a contradictory baby-man…

I could go on and on but you get the idea.  Feminism is about the hatred and subjugation of men.   It teaches men they are evil and that women are best people.

It is time we denounce feminism, challenge it’s conceptions and presume it is gospel truth and fight the hatred of it.

We have allowed feminist ideology to infect society in such a way it is now affecting everyone as a whole.   It is a lie that teaches hate.   It infects our schools, our government, our jobs, even our homes.

Stand up.  Say no to feminism and challenge anyone who supports it.   It will be the only way we can stop this hate group.

Free Speech vs Hate Speech

I recently got into a debate on this (again), and for some reason people cannot fathom that hate speech laws are a form of censorship.     Worse yet.   We have the mayor of Ottawa Jim Watson, who has been in his office since the beginning of time, who openly now tweets and states that he is for the stiffing of speech because he finds it “vile”.

Mayors blast ‘pro-rape’ men’s meetings planned for Canadian cities

I tweeted him and stated that wanting to censor free speech is wrong, and he responded by calling me vile for supporting the guy  who wants to open a dialog about the rape laws.

Reasonable people understand that rape is bad.  We all know this.  No one condones rape.   The problem lies with the idea and definitions of rape.

Feminist supporters think rape can be this magical thing that can happen at any point.     Let me explain.

They (Liberals and Feminists) believe that (I’ve written about this before),

  1.  A man and a woman who BOTH get drunk, BOTH consent to sex and have sexual intercourse is rape.    Why?  A woman is apparently unable to consent while drunk.
  2. A woman who goes home with a strange man, gets drunk, takes drugs and gets naked, has sex with the strange man but doesn’t remember having sex has been raped.
  3. A woman who consents to having sex even when sober and then regrets the experience a week later, has been apparently been raped.

Do you notice the trend here?     Women are not responsible for their actions but men are despite being equal in things.

So this Return of Kings guy is calling for a debate and discussion about the rape laws if it occurs in your own home.

I get what he is saying and while I don’t agree entirely, with much of what he says, I understand that freedom of speech means being able to talk about things that people may find vile or abhorrent without repercussions from government.

As far as Mayor Jim Watson is concerned the idea of questioning the idea of rape laws is abhorrent.    This is the type of people in power and have been in power for a very long time.

I tweeted back the mayor stating the differences, that hate is the calling for 90% of men to be castrated or killed via the #killallmen hashtag.   Or the Drinking Male Tears meme which is common among rich white sorority girl feminists who do not understand basic concepts of freedom of speech.

Using these laws to shut down talk and discussion that you “FEEL” is wrong is not a valid reason.   Free Speech is a double edged sword.    I’m gay and I’ve heard the debate and discussion when gay marriage and even back when gays were not accepted as they are now.    I may not have liked what was being said but I never wanted to stop people from speaking their minds on subjects and having rational discussions.

Jim Watson, Justin Trudeau, if a woman or a man goes home with a stranger, and has spent a night flirting and implying they are interested in having sexual intercourse, and they go to either one’s home, get drunk or even not.    Get naked and have sex, and one party regrets it the next day, that is not rape.     Neither is it when you get drunk, and get naked in someone else’s bed.   That is called implied consent.   I know this concept is foreign to you but it is a real thing.    Penalizing someone for wanting to speak their mind on the subject or banning someone from speaking is called censorship.

And censorship is a form of oppression and hate.    Hate of true freedom.

Dear World, Justin Trudeau doesn’t represent Canada.

Dear World Population,

First I would like to thank you for reading my open letter.   I know that you are busy, so I will try to keep this short.

Justin Trudeau does not represent Canada.     Yes I know, he is the PM of the crown corporation of Canada, and claims he is the representative.    However, I will state this.   He does not represent the values, nor the ideals of the majority of Canadians.

How can he be the PM then you ask?    Good question.   First, and foremost, the majority didn’t vote for him.   Believe it!

The problem with our voting system is our leaders are chosen years in advance.   The media manipulates their audience with back and forth promotions to make it seem like it is a fair and honest election.     As I have written in the past about elections  and the process I won’t get into here, except that our votes don’t matter and that we do not live in a democracy.    If we did the people’ who removed their votes would be counted.   In this country though, the people who don’t vote are left behind.     In reality only a very small percentage of the Canadian population actually voted in the last election and of them an even smaller number voted liberal.

You see in our country, we are forced to vote for a party, not an individual.   So if you like the candidates objectives in your riding and vote for them then the party gets the seats in parliament.   This means that the person who is head of that party gets to be PM of the country.      If you don’t like the leader of the party but feel the only there is one candidate who falls in with your values or ideas of how the country should be run but hate the leader of that party, you really only have 2 choices.  Vote anyway or not vote at all.    Last election, the major portion of the population didn’t vote.

Now I know what your thinking.   “Then vote and make a difference”.   It doesn’t matter.   After speaking with Elections Canada, they informed me that even if only 10 people in the whole country voted then then we would still have a PM and the government would still run.

That is NOT a democracy.

So again, Justin Trudeau does not represent Canadians or our values.    His mindset is of third wave feminism which is about elevating women, giving them things like money, jobs, opportunities simply based on their gender instead of actually earning those things.

Recently he called for all Canadian’s to “embrace feminism and not be scared of it”.     This caused an uproar in the comment section of every media source that printed an article about this.

Canadians’ do not like third wave feminism.    Canadians believe in real equality, not the brand of equality that takes from men who have earned their money, job etc, and giving to to women simply because they are women.        This brand of feminism goes against the original brand of feminism that was about women having the right to work along side men and earn the same money and the same promotions as men.    Not be handed those positions, without earning or working for it, simply based on the the anatomy.

The original feminists who fought back in the 60’s speak out against this current crop of so called feminism.

In this country we believe in fair treatment.   We believe if you work hard in your career, and put in the time, sweat and tears into your job then you deserve and should move up the ladder.    You don’t get handed the board of directors position simply because you have a degree in gender studies.

To listen to our PM and see his efforts on behalf of feminism you would think we are all feminists, and we are definitely not.     It’s time to call out third wave feminism by all.  Time to call out the PM for pandering only to an ideal that puts men less than women instead of on equal footing.    It’s time to shout down this nonsense from all sources, and stop this before it really becomes harmful on our society.

Canada used to be peacekeepers, and the majority of us still believe we can be this again.
Canada used to be accepting of other cultures and groups.    We believe we can be this again.

Canada used to accept all religions and faiths and we believe we can be this again.

Don’t let Justin Trudeau’s  face fool you.    He is on a leash being controlled by third wave feminism, and he doesn’t speak for us.

And Justin, if you are reading this, understand this, you are a tool for the feminists.   You are not a feminist.   They will throw you under the bus the minute you are no longer a use to  them.    A man cannot be a feminist, that is like a black person supporting the slavery of black people.    Stop pandering to them and start representing Canada.  The real Canada.    Otherwise you may lose your job.

Justin Trudeau is now Prime Minister of Canada. – What does this mean?


What exactly does this mean?   It means absolutely nothing.   Trudeau is not the leader of the Canadian government.  Neither was Harper.   They are figure heads.  Meant to persuade you that you that they are in charge, when in reality.  They are not.

Never in our history has any prime minister made any changes.   His father, was the figure head who everyone praised like a god, but never once considered the long term harm he would do, and did.

Justin, born with a silver spoon up his butt, but with the good looks like people flock to, has no value.

Will anything change?   Not in the slightest.

The government will allow the spying on it’s own people, without any oversight or warrants.
The government will continue to raise taxes.
The government will continue to have scandals.

Here are some of Trudeau’s campaign promises:

Mr. Trudeau has promised that half of a Liberal cabinet would be women.
(This can NOT be fulfilled unless women step up and are qualified.)

Promising unions $750 million for skilled trades funding.
(This can be fulfilled but where does that money come from?  From the taxpayers of course.  And since the government is in debt, then they would have to raise taxes.)

Add $515 million in funding for first nations education.
(While this is a noble promise, it ignores the fact that canada has no money to do this.  Raise taxes.)

Lower the federal income tax rate to 20.5 per cent on incomes between $44,700 and $89,401, paying for it by raising taxes on the wealthiest one per cent. Bring in a new, tax-free child benefit to replace the Conservative universal child benefit.

(What Justin fails to understand is the wealthy one percent couldn’t cover the cost the loss of income tax the drop would cause.   The middle class in canada is the largest class.   The top one percent, couldn’t possibly cover the loss.   The man used to be a teacher and I shudder at the thought of his math skills).

Change labour laws to ensure that employees in federally regulated industries have the right to ask their bosses for flexible work hours.
(What this means is people (women) would be able to take more time off work to be with their family.  For example: a woman who now gets a year off maternity leave, would get to take even more time off, and be able to go back to work of and off as much as they want up to 18 months of time.  Per child.  That means if a woman has 3 children during her career, she would would be able to take up to four and a half years off.  And feminists are confused about the wage gap now, but they will freak out when the numbers start showing that in Canada the gap widens because of policies like this one if implemented.  Now I know he worded it “person”, which is due to the fact, he cannot discriminate, and so it sounds like men will be able to use this time as well, however, we know from history, that only a few men will benefit.  It will be the women who will be the major beneficiaries, not men.  So really this policy is sexist against men.)

Justin Trudeau has made so many election promises and all will cost money, but the money has to come from somewhere, so here are a few predictions:

Taxes will rise to the point the middle class will shrink, and the poor will grow.
The government will become more oppressive to it’s citizens.  We can even see TSA like systems put into place.  More family units will break down due to finances.
There will be a battle of the sexes in Canada.  Men against women.  Women demanding what men have, but not wanting to work for it.
And in future elections, people will blame the non voters for not stopping Trudeau from getting into power.   Just like they did with Harper, even though many of the complainers voted him in.

Stop being stupid people.   The government is a corporation, and they don’t care about you.  They have no obligation to protect you.  And since they have no legal obligation to protect you, they will do everything to scam you.