Feminism is an Ideology based on Hate.


I will say this over and over, until feminism ideology is treated by society, exactly what it is, which is an ideology of hatred of men.   Period.   People are leaving feminism ideology in droves but it won’t be finished unless it is legally recognized as a hate group.  Much like Neo-Nazi’s are treated.

I’ve heard the arguments from pro-feminists who give this world view description of it that is pure fantasy and not based on reality.   Even from the so called men, who support feminism, have been brainwashed in this ideology of hate, that they cannot even see it.

Here are some common arguements and lies that pro-feminists use to defend the hate group ideology.

1.  Feminism is about equality for all.

Yes we have all heard that one, and we all know it isn’t true.   The dictionary is a book that has the definitions of words in the english language and it tells a different definition.

Here it is: Feminism

The advocacy of women’s rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes.

Now this reads like it is about equal rights but it isn’t.    Here is a real definition of equality.


The doctrine that all people are equal and deserve equal rights and opportunities.

Notice the difference feminists?   No?  Let me “mansplain” for you.

The first definition devotes the energy to supporting women’s rights only.    It operates on the assumption they are treated less than men.

Egalitarianism however, is one of equality, for everyone.   Not based on gender, not based on race, or sexuality.     In other words, it doesn’t give special treatment for one group.

Back to common arguments in the defense of feminism:

2. Feminism cares about men!

No actually it doesn’t.   It is a sexist, bigotted and homophobic ideaology.   It is a facist movement that was co-oped back in the 60s, by angry women.   They teach in gender studies courses the division of people.  It classifies them and puts them into victim groups with white men being the oppressors.

Let’s delve further into this. intersectionality:

The interconnected nature of social categorizations such as race, class, and gender as they apply to a given individual or group, regarded as creating overlapping and interdependent systems of discrimination or disadvantage:
through an awareness of intersectionality, we can better acknowledge and ground the differences among us’

The whole definition is about separating and categorizing based on oppression.   This ideology is taught in gender studies courses and taught this is still happening in western culture and society.    It teaches that we need to label ourselves and plot our victim hood on some scale of privilege vs oppression.

The final thing about intersectionanilty is that is doesn’t include white males.   Not one feminist, or their supporting men, will say that white men are an oppressed class and part of this intersectionanility.   In fact they will go out of their way and angrily pronounce that white men are the most privileged people in society, who oppress everyone else.

3.  Feminism loves men:

Sure they do, because this is their main scapegoat for all their projection of self hate.

Here is a classic example of blaming men by a blogger who wrote an article about why the world needs feminism.


The gist of the article is that men are still the oppressors and still   I will follow up on this article with a list of my own to counter this one because this is the type of nonsense we need to speak out against.

4.  Feminism isn’t about hate.   It’s about love!

I heard this one by so many feminists, that it makes me so angry every-time I hear it.   It also shows they are down syndrome retarded in their thinking.     Here are some quotes by feminists that show the love!

“All sex, even consensual sex between a married couple, is an act of violence perpetrated against a woman.”
Catherine MacKinnon

“I believe that women have a capacity for understanding and compassion which man structurally does not have, does not have it because he cannot have it. He’s just incapable of it.”
Former Congresswoman Barbara Jordan.

“Men’s sexuality is mean and violent, and men so powerful that they can ‘reach WITHIN women to fuck/construct us from the inside out.’ Satan-like, men possess women, making their wicked fantasies and desires women’s own. A woman who has sex with a man, therefore, does so against her will, ‘even if she does not feel forced.’
Judith Levine, (explicating comment profiling prevailing misandry.)

“I want to see a man beaten to a bloody pulp with a high-heel shoved in his mouth, like an apple in the mouth of a pig.”
Andrea Dworkin; from her book Ice and Fire .

“I claim that rape exists any time sexual intercourse occurs when it has not been initiated by the woman, out of her own genuine affection and desire.”
Robin Morgan


From ‘A feminist Dictionary; ed. Kramarae and Triechler, Pandora Press, 1985:

MALE:…represents a variant of or deviation from the category of female. The first males were mutants…the male sex represents a degeneration and deformity of the female.

MAN:…an obsolete life form… an ordinary creature who needs to be watched…a contradictory baby-man…

I could go on and on but you get the idea.  Feminism is about the hatred and subjugation of men.   It teaches men they are evil and that women are best people.

It is time we denounce feminism, challenge it’s conceptions and presume it is gospel truth and fight the hatred of it.

We have allowed feminist ideology to infect society in such a way it is now affecting everyone as a whole.   It is a lie that teaches hate.   It infects our schools, our government, our jobs, even our homes.

Stand up.  Say no to feminism and challenge anyone who supports it.   It will be the only way we can stop this hate group.

Free Speech vs Hate Speech

I recently got into a debate on this (again), and for some reason people cannot fathom that hate speech laws are a form of censorship.     Worse yet.   We have the mayor of Ottawa Jim Watson, who has been in his office since the beginning of time, who openly now tweets and states that he is for the stiffing of speech because he finds it “vile”.

Mayors blast ‘pro-rape’ men’s meetings planned for Canadian cities

I tweeted him and stated that wanting to censor free speech is wrong, and he responded by calling me vile for supporting the guy  who wants to open a dialog about the rape laws.

Reasonable people understand that rape is bad.  We all know this.  No one condones rape.   The problem lies with the idea and definitions of rape.

Feminist supporters think rape can be this magical thing that can happen at any point.     Let me explain.

They (Liberals and Feminists) believe that (I’ve written about this before),

  1.  A man and a woman who BOTH get drunk, BOTH consent to sex and have sexual intercourse is rape.    Why?  A woman is apparently unable to consent while drunk.
  2. A woman who goes home with a strange man, gets drunk, takes drugs and gets naked, has sex with the strange man but doesn’t remember having sex has been raped.
  3. A woman who consents to having sex even when sober and then regrets the experience a week later, has been apparently been raped.

Do you notice the trend here?     Women are not responsible for their actions but men are despite being equal in things.

So this Return of Kings guy is calling for a debate and discussion about the rape laws if it occurs in your own home.

I get what he is saying and while I don’t agree entirely, with much of what he says, I understand that freedom of speech means being able to talk about things that people may find vile or abhorrent without repercussions from government.

As far as Mayor Jim Watson is concerned the idea of questioning the idea of rape laws is abhorrent.    This is the type of people in power and have been in power for a very long time.

I tweeted back the mayor stating the differences, that hate is the calling for 90% of men to be castrated or killed via the #killallmen hashtag.   Or the Drinking Male Tears meme which is common among rich white sorority girl feminists who do not understand basic concepts of freedom of speech.

Using these laws to shut down talk and discussion that you “FEEL” is wrong is not a valid reason.   Free Speech is a double edged sword.    I’m gay and I’ve heard the debate and discussion when gay marriage and even back when gays were not accepted as they are now.    I may not have liked what was being said but I never wanted to stop people from speaking their minds on subjects and having rational discussions.

Jim Watson, Justin Trudeau, if a woman or a man goes home with a stranger, and has spent a night flirting and implying they are interested in having sexual intercourse, and they go to either one’s home, get drunk or even not.    Get naked and have sex, and one party regrets it the next day, that is not rape.     Neither is it when you get drunk, and get naked in someone else’s bed.   That is called implied consent.   I know this concept is foreign to you but it is a real thing.    Penalizing someone for wanting to speak their mind on the subject or banning someone from speaking is called censorship.

And censorship is a form of oppression and hate.    Hate of true freedom.

Feminists try to get Documentary banned!

(Image courtesy of original article: https://anongalactic.com/feminists-are-trying-to-shut-down-a-documentary-on-mens-rights/)

The documentary film, being created by feminist and filmmaker Cassie Jaye.    The film called “The Red Pill”, documents the Men’s Rights Right Movement and sheds the light on the issues that men face into today’s society.

Feminists of course, see this as an attack on them personally and want to shut it down.  As usual, when something is not about them or links feminism in a bad light, which this film points out how, when, why and how feminism has taught people to think that men are the boogy man and gives a glimpse to who the real bad guy is.

(Sneak Preview Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HK7n_XA40V8 )

For decades, men have been fighting for men’s rights, but until now men’s voices have not been heard.   This film is a must see for anyone who wants to learn the truth about feminism and the Men’s rights movement.

Question you may want to ask yourself;

Do you know of a father who was denied custody to his children?
Do you know of a father who was denied custody to his children and the mother is abusive?
Do you know any man who has committed suicide?
Do you know any man who was homeless?

Do you know of a man who has been sent to jail for not paying child support because he couldn’t afford to?
Do you know of a man who was denied the right to be a father because the mother didn’t want to be a mother and got an abortion?

These are just some of the issues cover in the film.    I for one, think this film is due, and encourage everyone, feminist, MRA, or neutral to watch.

That is, if the feminists don’t shut it down.  After all, we can’t have free speech can we?