Free Speech under attack in Canada


Today a news report came across my feed about a former MP who launched a class action lawsuit against a religious man who passed out pamphlets at the gay pride parade in Toronto.

The pamphlets being ultra religious, stated inflammatory information, like all gay people are aids carriers etc.    Much of it was disgusting, according to those who attended the parade.

However, when I asked the person who launched the Lawsuit, if the pamphlets contained calls for people to beat up gay people or to kill gay people?   He avoided answering.    Trying to deflect the question by stating that he wasn’t about to post anything what was in the pamphlets because he found it distasteful and disgusting.

I took that evasion to mean, that no, the preacher man didn’t have anything that called for the extermination of gay people or the harming of gay people.

Freedom of speech does not mean you only get to hear or read things that you like.  If that was the case, I would not be able to write my articles.  No news reporters would be able to actively report the truth.   People could be arrested for having the wrong views or opinions.  Books would be banned.  Movies, Television would be heavily censored.

Now while in Canada, we tend to be a more socialist nation than one of democracy.  In fact I have written on this numerous times.  I have also written how we don’t have free speech  in this country.  And we really don’t.  We have limits here on what we can say.

Only now I believe it’s time for everyone, in Canada , to wake up and put a stop to people trying to silence you because you might hurt their feelings, or because they are offended, or find whatever you saying distasteful.   You have every single right to voice your opinion, to speak your mind and to say what you want. As  long as you don’t call for violence against anyone.

We need to fight people who try to attack free speech.  We do this by using logic, reasoning and not be shamed or silenced by those who would silence our speech.

I sincerely hope the court system does the right thing and throws this case out with the trash, otherwise there could be serious repercussions for everyone, including those who would silence us.

Lawsuit story here:

New Mental Disorder Discovered- IVD

Bipolar Disorder1


I have discussions with people both online and in real life about current affairs, politics, activism, and more.     Many people are passionate about what they are discussing and as such, I really don’t mind when the discussion or debate gets heated.    If both people understand that the discussion or debate is just that, then you can have a heated debate without taking it personally.

However, many people out there are unable to cope with this idea and do take things personally.   And those people tend to be the worst.   Especially some of the commentators on social media sites.   Instead of saying something constructive or conducive to the debate or discussion at hand, they of course, resort to name calling or attacking someone for stating something they have every right to state.     And instead of being civilized they become these lunatics with an axe to grind.

After decades of being active online,  I can spot these people very easily.   They try to come off as some sort of moral authority on their opinion and attack someone by using slurs that sound racist and bigoted.   Then when you confront them they invariably turn their ire on you when you defend yourself or a friend  from them.   When that doesn’t work and their argument falls apart they then try to slander you to try to get you to move away from the topic at hand in hopes that you will defend yourself from their offensive and then finally claim victim status saying you are the aggressor while they are the poor victim.

This happens almost daily online with people.   They think that being offended by something they see online gives them the automatic moral right to attack people, and when they are defended against, they pretend to be victims of abuse online.    There are many people out there who do this.   I see many feminists, SJWs and liberals who do this.

New Disorder….??

This is what I call the Infantile Victim Disorder or IVD.   You get an IVD when you have a warped set of beliefs that cause you to believe there is a mysterious patriarchy made up of old white men out to get you.    Or that you think you are superior to the other person due to their body parts.  And even due to a skin tone that is not considered Caucasian.

Symptoms include,  being “triggered“.  Using the word Problematic,  and telling men they have male privilege or the other variant if you are a person of another color,  having white male privilege.

Other symptoms may include:   Obesity, Poverty, Neon color in hair, getting undressed in public to march against rape, yelling and spitting on men at university, submitting false rape claims, false reports of sexual assault.  Raping men.  Being the aggressor in domestic violence.  Lesbianism.

If you suspect you have IVD, please go see a psychiatrist immediately.     Usually sufferers of IVD also have Bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder and project their issues and blame others for problems that don’t exist or are the cause of the sufferer’s own actions.

Gender Fluid theory is Garbage.


To many people, they believe that gender fluid means that you can change your gender, like you can change your underwear.  The reality (truth) is that you can’t.    Gender is the description word we use to describe the sex of a person via pronouns.   “He” is the gender pronoun for a male.  “She” is the gender pronoun for a female.

The gender fluid idea not only dictates that you change your gender like you change your underwear, but that there must be a new gender pronouns created to describe these people.

Gender neutral pronouns have been created so people won’t offend their special snowflake friends.

Here is an example of made up, and in some cases unpronounceable pronouns:

Gender Pronouns.png

More of the garbage can be found here:

The problem with all this is simply the fact that people actually think, that changing your gender is the simply act of a way of thought or clothing.     The act of putting on a dress for a guy or bandaging up the breasts for a woman and putting on the opposite gender’s clothing means that they are the opposite sex.    It is not.   This is typically known as cross-dressing.

I’ve heard the idea from the idiots who believe this nonsense that gender is based on your personality, and not your anatomy.    This is also untrue, since your anatomy dictates if your male or female.  Hence, why people say “Penis = Male” and “Vagina = Female”.

There are mentally ill people who think they are puppy dogs to and want to live out their lives as dogs or even other animals or even mythical creatures.

That brings me to trans-gendered people.   These people fall into the same category as the above.

These people suffer from a mental illness called “Gender Dysphoria”

These are people who are unhappy with their biological sex and believe they are the opposite sex.   That somehow, the doctor when they were born, didn’t recognize the proper gender and “assigned” them the wrong one.

Decades ago this was treated, successfully I might add, as a mental illness.  The treatment used to entail regular visits to a psychiatrist and medication.   It was believed that people who suffered from this illness had a chemical imbalance.    Then came the gay rights movement and feminism.      They cited that it was NOT a mental illness that gender is a social construct.    They convinced enough people, to re-examine the idea of the treatments, saying they are more harmful than helpful because it ignores the person’s feelings.     Remember folks, feeling over fact and science is precedence with these people.

Then doctors created the mutilation surgeries that are still to this day, really bad.  They allow people to voluntarily mutilate their bodies via cosmetic surgery in an effort to look like the opposite sex, while not being able to be biologically the opposite sex.

Let me explain.

You cannot change your DNA.   You cannot change your muscle structure.  You cannot change your skeletal structure.      So your body regardless of the surgery will still show up as your sex that you were born as.       This makes all those transgender surgeries under the category of cosmetic.

The worse part of it is that they are chopping off working body parts, and sewing on body parts that do not work as intended.   For example, a male undergoing a male to female surgery, will not have a working uterus, and no eggs.    So after the surgery she cannot bear children.    A female to male is worse.   In many cases the female decides to KEEP her uterus and have a penis sewn on.  Only the penis cannot produce sperm and needs a rod or a pump installed to inflate it to be able to have sex.   So technically it doesn’t work as functioning male either.   In many of the cases of the women who go through those surgeries and keep their uterus, they decide at some point to have a baby.

Transgender means that you are transitioning from one gender to another.  It doesn’t mean you can stay in that middle state and call yourself a man if you have a uterus.
Then the argument comes in that “Oh but the surgeries are expensive”.    Yes, well cosmetic surgeries usually are, because they do not add any value to health.  And are why they call them cosmetic.

And these people still are not happy after they go through with the surgeries.   In fact many regret doing it.  So much that they commit suicide in the same high numbers as they do before the surgeries.

When you fight your own biology, you will lose.  You can’t change your gender.  It is scientifically an impossibility.    Feminist theory professors have an agenda.  Indoctrination into the cult of feminism.  They need to convince young minds that their theories are facts and due to the borg collective mentally of feminism,  many just believe this without question.

Don’t fall for the idea that Gender is fluid on anyone’s say so.  Challenge it.  Question it.   Dissect it.