Vaccines vs No Vaccines

Let me start off by saying I’m for a healthy society.   I don’t want children to die or get sick, but the fact is I know how the immune system works and how are bodies work.  So the truth is, we need to get sick.

Our bodies are created with an immune system for a reason.  We live in a  world with disease, germs, virus’ and bacteria.   Life started on this planet due to bacteria.

We also know from science that these things can disappear for hundreds even millions of years and then come back in outbreaks.

Right there, mainly due to the mass hysteria brought on by overprotective parents in the United States and Canada, around the recent measles cases in both countries.   What they are calling an outbreak, I would call a few sick kids, by that is besides the point.

Let me talk about measles for a moment.

Measles isn’t that scary.  I have mom’s on my facebook lists who scream and shout that anti vaxxers are child abusers etc.   I find this behavior reactionary, and fear based.  When discussing the issue with them they claim to have “done their research” but when you question or discuss the issue you will find their research consists of getting five minutes worth of info from their doctor, memes from their mommy and me facebook group and an article written in a pop culture magazine.

Here is a tiny bit of history which will give you an idea of what measles was like back in history.

1800s:   During this era the chance of death was approximately 48% for people who contracted measles.
In those years they didn’t have sanitation infrastructure, they went to the bathroom in a pail and dumped it’s contents out onto the street.   You also wiped your buttocks with a rag or your hand.
They would bath at most once a month and at the very least once a year.
Hand-washing was rare, and food cross contamination was an every day occurrence as well as under cooked foods and unwashed vegetables.
People wore the same clothes for months at a time.  In wealthy house holds they would have 4 sets of clothing for each season and would change their clothes per season, not each day.

Due to all of the above, disease would be rampant and many would die.

Fast forward to the invention of sanitation sewer systems and we saw a decline in disease, and illness.  Modern water pipes brought in water into the homes, and allowed people to bathe more frequently, not every day but once a week or so.   Washing our vegetables became routine and washing clothes was done more often.

1960s:  This was the era when vaccines were introduced.   Measles was almost gone at this time.  Less than a percent of the people in the united states had measles less than a percent of a percent of a percent died from it.   We had daily bathes, wore clean clothes everyday, cooked our foods properly and had modern sanitation and sewage infrastructure in all the major cities, small towns.

Now:   We have very tiny outbreaks of measles, in pocket areas.  In all cases, in the past 10 years it was found that an adult who was vaccinated was the patient zero and caused the outbreaks.    Zero infant deaths in the past 10-15 years have happened due to measles.
Most doctors don’t know what is in the measles vaccines.  They couldn’t tell you the individual ingredients, they don’t even read the insert the Pharma companies include in the box.   And the things that insert tells you, should be enough to make you pause and look deeper.  Most don’t.

The CDC has written documents, that say after a vaccine your child is very infectious and should not be around any other children for a period of time.  The Pharma companies put inserts for these vaccines have really strong warnings.   Here is the MMR2 vaccine insert (

This says right on the warning that anyone who is allergic to eggs, has any fever based illness,  Under the adverse reactions on page six, it gets interesting where it states you can get “Diabetes”   ( )

Some other “adverse effects are:”

Anaphylaxis – Severe allergic reaction which can cause death.  (

Arthritis; arthralgia; myalgia – Severe Joint, and muscle pain.   Less so with children and as the age of the person increases so does the chances of acquiring it along with the pain levels increasing.  and

Encephalitis – Brain swelling which can cause seizures, febrile convulsions, afebrile
convulsions or seizures; ataxia; polyneuritis; polyneuropathy; ocular palsies; paresthesia

At this point you should be getting a picture of what dangers lie within the vaccine itself.

There is much more in there.  Read for yourself.  Use google to figure out some of the reactions and you will find what is listed as reactions are not reactions but illness and even death.  Some are lifetime illness’.  And that is right on the insert that comes with the measles vaccine.   That should scare anyone.  It does me.  And yet many parents would rather risk their child’s health on these “adverse reactions” than a 1-1000-3000 chance of death (which hasn’t happened in decades).

In other words, fear.   Fear of death,,  That looming word, brings images of a small coffin and no one wants that.  Instead they inject their baby with a toxin that can cause all sorts of “adverse effects” that will last a lifetime.   And then they scratch their heads and wonder what happened and blame un-vaccinated children or parents of said children.

Now I have to ask anyone out there, is it really worth is to risk a child health like this knowing this information?

Here is what it boils down to:

No Vaccine:  Child gets sick for a week or so, has rash and fever.   Recovers and has a lifetime of antibodies and in women can pass those down to her children for the first 15 months of their lives.

Vaccine:  Adverse side effects, chance of lifetime illness’, like diabetes, muscle issues, autoimmune issues etc, seizures.   For a period of maximum 10 years cloned antibodies that are not guaranteed to stop the disease and can be shed from the body and be highly contagious if the vaccine is a live virus vaccine.

To me the answer is clear.  Not to get or give the vaccine to anyone.

The other point I would like to touch on, is about freedom.  I believe if we are truly free then we have the freedom to say no to our government.  That should be a huge concern for everyone.    This is why we have the judicial system were we have a jury of our peers to decide to remove those freedoms if a crime has been committed.  Personal freedoms or individual freedoms for myself is untouchable.   A government does not decide what my rights are.   They can’t.  A right is inherent.  A privileged is given.  A right can only be violated.  A privileged can only be taken away.

Forcing a medical procedure against my will or consent is tantamount to assault, rape and an attack on myself or my family.  No one has the right to choose for me or my family.  None.  If you don’t have that choice then you are not free.   If your government, mandates that vaccines are mandatory, then I think everyone should take up arms and start a rebellion.   A vaccine for me is the same as trying to inject HIV directly into my body.   And I will never agree to that.     You can choose to get these vaccines, I will even defend that right, but don’t ever try to take away my right to choose.

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