Toronto Gay Pride Supports Hate, Racism and Sexism.


Gay Pride Toronto has overstepped itself.  It is being run by a committee of feminists who use their authority to discriminate on the basis of gender, religion, race etc.    I’ve watched the gay pride parades in major cities across Canada and Toronto’s is the worst for this.    One year they banned a group that supported Palestine, but allowed Jewish groups to join it.    Next year they will be allowing a racist activist group head the parade (Black lives Matter), and today I read on CBC, that the Sexist Feminist PM Justin Trudeau be part of it.

I’m all for equality and inclusiveness.  I really am, but when you ban legitimate groups on the basis of a political view, gender, or sexuality then it breaks Canadian law and is discrimination.

Gay Pride Toronto is rife with discriminatory practices.   Last year they banned CAFE from marching, because a few feminists within the Pride Committee deemed them a hate group without proof but based on complaints from feminists.

It’s time to stop discriminating against people, and using the parade to discriminate.   This is not what I fought for as a gay man.   I fought in the 90s for equality and rights.   Not the right to discriminate .    Nor did I advocate for groups that do discriminate.

Equality for all.   Not for some, Gay Pride.

If you are reading this Pride Committee or City of Toronto, and disagree with me then you have lost your way.

Time to Boycott or ban it people.

How an Online Post caused fear in Feminists


Toronto University campus increased it’s security after some online posts were put online, that scared feminists on the campus.

The threats which have been removed, read ” “go into the nearest Sociology or Women’s Studies classroom next week, and fire bullets into the Professor’s head and spray bullets all over the room until all the feminists are dead.””

Now, normally I am against unwarranted acts of violence.   I really am.    However, I have to say this about the whole situation.  It is not surprising and understandable.

This is a message to all you anti male feminists, when you threaten us, belittle us, hold campaigns that say #killallmen, or the don’t be that guy, or #manspreading, campaigns which target men.  Or in forums, online posts, or comments making plans to “castrate men in the town square”, “Put men in concentration camps and gas them” or eradicate men and keep 10 percent for breeding stock”.

Then you have to understand, that when you state these things, a sane person see’s this as a threat.  And anyone who feels threatened enough, will fight back.  So far it’s words for words, but as the months pass, I’ve been seeing more and more feminists out of these universities making these threats and laughing when men shout back.

Guess, your not laughing about it now though huh?

I couldn’t give a flying fuck about who you are, when you threaten someone you don’t get to walk away and play victim when your victim fights back.

If anything comes of this at the University, (I hope it doesn’t), but if it does, I won’t be shedding male tears over it.

I know that it’s wishful thinking but I sincerely hope these, spoiled self – entitled children see the error of their ways and stop attacking half the world’s population, because that half is getting sick of their shit.

(Original News Article: )